What starts with r and rhymes with won?
How many /w/ sounds are in this sentence? How many "r" sounds?
Give her a ring and just wing it.
w - 1; r - 2
treat or tweet
Clothes or other items are often hung on this in a store.
Which sound is the tongue sound?
White rhymes with . . .
He sat right next to me in the white chair.
way or lay or ray
This is a type of weather. There are specific types of clothing made to wear in this weather.
True or false: The tongue goes towards the teeth when making a clear r sound.
False. The tongue goes back and up for a crisp r sound.
I'm wide awake right now! Do you want to go for a bike ride to the park?
wink or rink
This is a state before something like meat is ready to eat.
What is raw?
True or false: When the letters, "wr" are together in a word, like "write," we are supposed to say the /w/ sound.
False. When we see the letters "wr," we say the "r" sound. The "w" is silent.
West rhymes with . . .
Wait until you hear about the rate before you make a risky decision.
w 1, r 4
read or lead or weed
This is an action that children learn how to do in school and people often do daily to express their thoughts.
What is write/writing?
Use tongue, sides of tongue anchored to top back teeth, back of tongue goes up and back, tip of tongue is slightly up or curled, etc.
Went rhymes with . . .
She whipped her head around and ripped her jacket.
w 1, r 4
This is a word that has multiple meanings. It can be something you wear, something you hear, or something you do.
What is ring?