
When do we follow the 'Rebooking without funds' Workflow?

When the guest has not received the refund and explicitly states they cannot cover the cost of the reservation.


A guest from Barcelona called but doesn't speak English. You are not fluent in Spanish and can only speak in English. From the guest's Nova Profile page, you noticed that there's only one reservation under their account and is scheduled to take place in 2 weeks' time . What are your next steps?

Attempt to communicate with the guest in English. If they are still unable to understand you, apply the Spanish Language macro to handoff.


Host Catelyn double booked the listing on another short-term rental platform, but encouraged Guest Brennan to cancel to avoid penalties. Brennan reached out to seek advice as he does not know what to do. Upon investigation, you are unable to confirm Brennan's claim on the message thread. You should take the following actions with Host EXCEPT:

Provide a deadline of a maximum of 72 hours for a response.
Add note Admin Flag to Host's account: documented host commitment violation
Request direct confirmation from Host Catelyn of her need to cancel
Complete the Host Standards Nova Form with details of case.

Provide a deadline of a maximum of 72 hours for a response.


Taking the following statement as an example, which Mediation technique would you classify this as?

"Based on the interests you shared with me, I'd like to brainstorm some possible options with you."

Generating Options


Choose This, No Questions Asked.

Free Bonus 100!


A guest was automatically issued a $150 USD HCP coupon after their Host cancelled their reservation. The guest then informs you that due to an ongoing conference in the area over the weekend, there is only one available listing and it costs more than the amount they can pay and the HCP coupon combined. Upon further investigation, you can see that they will need an additional $210 USD. What is the appropriate step to take next?

Go through the 4-eye approval process and get support from your team lead to adjust the rebooking coupon value.


Jordan is in the midst of a 45-night reservation and he needs to shorten his stay to check out tomorrow due to last minute work commitments. He wishes to alter the reservation to 22 nights and wants a refund of the remaining nights not spent.
At the time of booking, the nightly rate was $70 and a monthly discount of 15% was applied. Jordan's Host, Maddie, did not and has not set a cleaning fee or weekly discount.

Disregarding the GSF, which of this statement is TRUE?
1. Jordan will not receive any refund, unless Maddie agrees to additional refund outside of the cancellation policy.
2. The new total cost of the reservation is $1309
3. Jordan will receive a refund of $1368.5
4. CS should alter the reservation right away as check out is tomorrow, to unblock Maddie's calendar, and process the refund of nights not spent to Jordan.

1. Jordan will not receive any refund, unless Maddie agrees to additional refund outside of the cancellation policy.


Select the most relevant Hosting Standard for the scenario below.

A guest calls in and says that they had booked their listing because it has a swimming pool, but they now find that the pool is empty and unusable.

Listing accuracy


For reservations with check-ins after Jan 20, 2021, which of the following is considered an Extenuating Circumstance?

Landlord issues
Natural disaster
Unexpected death of an additional guest or family member
Serious illness

Natural Disaster


This is the team's wave name, number

Who belongs in SR1 NA Cebu 38?


During the rebooking process, for rebooking a guest who is not from the US and for whom the reservation was canceled on the check-in day, what compensation can you provide as a make-good?

Meal Reimbursement for up to $50


Guest accidentally made two bookings on Airbnb for the same dates and now wants to cancel one but not sure which. Which of the following action is appropriate?

Discuss the potential loss per reservation depending on the respective listing's cancellation policy.
Leave a strike flag on the guest's profile for double booking
Process a CBG with full refund and take a defined loss to provide Host with a partial payout.
Instead of reaching out to the Host, consider making an appropriate offer of a reduced refund to the guest to minimize a defined loss.

Discuss the potential loss per reservation depending on the respective listing's cancellation policy.


Guest Claudia stayed at Will's listing for 4 nights. On the last night, she experienced a power outage for 2 hours. Claudia gave Will 1 star for her stay and wrote "Worst Host Ever" on his public review. Will reached out to CS and complained that Claudia threatened him. Upon investigation, you noticed on the message thread that Claudia said, "If you don't refund me fore the last night because of the power outage, you can expect a terrible review."

Hide the review. Documented proof of extortion is visible on Airbnb.


You are starting your 1-week leave tomorrow. You have 2 tickets in your inbox, 1 APAC and 1EMEA. The reservations of both tickets will begin in 4 days and will require follow-ups. What do you do?

Consult your Lead to triage the tickets accordingly.


The Learning Room where the class is being held in 23F

Where is Learning Room 1?


Choose an acceptable loss reason from the below-mentioned scenarios:

A. A Guest cancels a reservation because their travel plans have changed.
B. A guest made a double booking and now wants to cancel the reservation with the higher pricing.
C. A confirmed system bug leads to guests being charged less and resulted to a reduced Host Payout
D. A Host says "Your site was down for four hours and I lost a $4k booking to another platform."

C. A confirmed system bug leads to guests being charged less and resulted to a reduced Host Payout


"Friedly Host, lovely neighborhood. Only issue I faced was that my Uber driver was weird, she took the longest route possible but everything turned out okay in the end."

After identifying the relevance, suggest if the review can be hidden.

No action on review. Relevant, commentary about third party entity.


For the following scenario, under the mediation process, which statement will you NOT use on your first contact with the user?

Guest called in furious to exclaim that he just received an email stating that Host Jean had cancelled the reservation. Check-in is in 8 days and Nate wants us to find him a new listing.

A. I know the situation is stressful, I want to reassure you that you reached the right person.
B. Could you tell me more about the details of the trip?
C. Here is what we are going to do...
D. I'm sorry about the cancellation. I would like to give you $200 coupon for the inconvenience caused.

D. I'm sorry about the cancellation. I would like to give you $200 coupon for the inconvenience caused.


Based on the Community First WF, which of the following scenarios do you take over the case?

The requests for a new case manager/support ambassador
The user requests to speak to the original case manager/support ambassador
A bug has been reported on the ticket
Ticket has been escalated to Safety.

The user requests for a new case manager/support ambassador


The Trainer's favorite color is.

What color is white?


Which of the following statements regarding HC coupon is false?

The coupon will be issued for 10% of the original reservation value.
The coupon can be used only on Homes not Experience Reservations
The coupons can be applied to Pay Less Upfront reservations.
The coupon is valid 30 days from issuance.

The coupon can be used only on Homes not Experience Reservations


You receive a messaging inquiry from Guest Sam who needs to cancel his upcoming reservation in San Fran due to change in Travel plans. He is concerned because he will not be getting a full refund. Upon investigation, you find that this is Sam's first reservation on Airbnb. You take the following steps except:
A. Try reaching Sam by phone first. If you are unable to reach him, send a message
B. Review the cancellation policy with Sam
C. Let Sam know they can request further refund through the resolution center
D. Process a CBA so Sam gets a full refund as a one-time courtesy.

D. Process a CBA so Sam gets a full refund as a one-time courtesy.


Host Bernice asked all her guests to cancel their upcoming reservations due to a change in the rental laws in her city. She is afraid of the Host penalties that she may incur, but she promised them that she will refund in full. One of her guests, James, reached out to Airbbn to explain the situation and wants to know how to proceed. Upon investigation, you find that Bernice has 10 upcoming reservations. As an R1 Support Amabassador, what are your next steps?

Inform Bernice that she needs to honor the reservations and walk her through in deactivating the listings to prevent new resevations. If she insists to cancel, penalties will apply.
Request an official letter from Bernice's landlord or HOA that outlines the new rules. Once provided, CBA all affected resrevations and walk her through in deactivating her listings.
Process a CBA for James Reservation only.
Escalate to Regulatory Response

Request an official letter from Bernice's landlord or HOA that outlines the new rules. Once provided, CBA all affected resrevations and walk her through in deactivating her listings.


What are the details of the trip that a Host can alter?

# of nights, guests, price, listings


The Trainer's middle name is ____.

What is there if there is none?
