name 3 types of service sectors
what is private, non profit and public
these groups have no management authority or no role in the day to day affairs of an org
what is board
the father of scientific mgmt movement
who is frederick taylor
Builds upon the orgs vision to provide long term and short term direction
what is strategic planning
length of strategic plans shelf life
what is 3-5 years
commercial, profit oriented, and market driven
what is the private sector
typical length of board term or service
what is 3-5 years
thought that bureaucracies were the most rational organizational method
who is max weber
a special strength that gives an organization a competitive edge
what is a core competency
theory addressed having a shared vision
who is Peter Senge and learning organizations
funding strategy is from tax revenues and fees and charges
what is the public sector
legal document of business transpiring at the meeting
what are the minutes
known for the hawthorne studies
who is elton mayo
SWOT stands for
what is strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
process of optimally utilizing human resources to achieve predetermined goals and objectives in the most efficient and effective way possible
what is management
name that sector- sycamore land trust, YCMA of Indianapolis
what is a non profit
how business of meeting is conducted
what are the parliamentary procedures
this theory state that workers are passive and without motivation
what is theory X
Creates a mental image of the future desired state of an organization
what is a vision
developing and formulating the course of action needed to accomplish your objectives
what is planning
name that sector- the ramada INN of Ft Wayne
what is private
this approach stated that there was y1 best way to organize workers
what is classical or scientific mgmt
known for the theory of adult personality
who is Chris Argyris
addresses the who, the what and the HOW of an organization
what is a mission
created the term therbligs
who is frank and lillian gilbreth