Inclusive Teaching
Cultural Relevance

Is creating a classroom community important?

Yes! It is very important because, "Students who feel connected are more likely to take education risks, be engaged and motivated, and consequentially, learn" (Causton & Bronson, 2015, p. 15). 


How many teachers are typically in an inclusive classroom?

"Inclusive classrooms often have two teachers (one general education and one special education teacher)" (Causton & Bronson, 2015, p. 22).


Is differentiation looking to help students with disabilities only, or is it looking to support all students individually?

"Differentiation seeks to help all teachers become connoisseurs of each student they teach" (Tomlinson, 2017, p. 33).


Should classrooms be ignoring or valuing the cultures of the students in their classrooms?

Diversity and cultures should be valued, and the "Classroom Climate [should] embrace diversity", in all aspects of the classroom and curriculum (Causton-Theoharis, 2004, p.1).

Do all children have the opportunity to be members of the classroom community, no matter their ability, race, gender, language acquisition, ect.?

We "begin to realize the achievable goal of providing all children with an authentic sense of belonging" (as cited in Causton & Theoharis, 2004, p.1)


Is being an inclusive educator always working from a growth mindset?

Yes! "They [teachers] encouraged the students to act as teachers, and they themselves, often functioned as learners in the classroom" (Ladson-Billings, 1995, p. 163), highlighting how they were always looking to grow their own mind.


What types of learners are included in a teachers plan for differentiation during their lessons?

"Advanced learners, struggling learners, English language learners, and 'students in the middle'" (Tomlinson, 2017, p. 19), and all other "diversit[ies] of your students" (Zarillo, 2011, p. 95) are accounted for in teacher's differentiation plan.


When looking to incorporate cultural relevance, should teachers assume that the students from the same cultures in their classroom live identical lives?

No! Teachers need to be aware that minority groups, such as English Language Learners, are not "homogenous groups", and that each child is an individual person where they may "struggle in some domains and excel in others" (Tomlinson, 2017, p. 27).


What is one way to build community within a classroom?

"If a students home language is incorporated into the classroom, students are more likely to experience academic success", while also building trust and community (Ladson-Billings, 1995, p. 159).


In an inclusive classroom, should teachers be directing the learning or should students be directing their own learning?

Students should be directing their own learning and teachers should "allow student initiative" while also remembering that "autonomy should also be accomplished by providing less directions" to all students (Zarillo, 2011, p. 115). 


Is differentiation necessary for our students to be successful in schools today?

"Your success [as a teacher] will depend on your ability to plan an instructional program that accounts for the diversity of your students" (Zarillo, 2011, p. 95).


Has there been a favorable trend in educating students from diverse background in the United States?

No, the trend has been highly unfavorable, "All too frequently, culture and native language have been ignored, with the unfortunate results of lower achievement and high dropout rates" (Zarillo, 2011, p. 104).


How can community building be incorporated into a classroom on a daily basis?

"In an inclusive classroom that day or the class period may start with a morning meeting at which students share something with the class or an important life event" (Causton & Bronson, 2015, p. 23).


Does inclusive teaching include differentiation?

Yes! Differentiation is a huge part of inclusive teaching and practices as "the most effective teachers spend a career cultivating an appreciation of children who are not so easy for them to automatically champion" through practices of differentiation (Tomlinson, 2017, p. 33).

Why is differentiation an essential part of all inclusive classrooms?

"No one set of teaching strategies will work best for all students all times. All students have different proclivities in the seven intelligences, so any particular strategy is likely to be highly successful with one group of students and less successful with other groups" (Armstrong, 2009, p. 65).


Does embracing diversity help students feel a part of the classroom community?

Yes! "Diversity, difference, and disability are embraced, as community building is used to ensure students feel connected and a part of a close-knit community" (Causton & Bronson, 2015, p. 23).


How can teachers help students feel accepted and valued in the classroom community?

"Seeing diversity in language and culture as a great resource for teaching and learning and not as inconvenient or irrelevant. It means being learners of our student's languages, as we expect our students to be learners of English" (Tomlinson, 2017, p. 28), which will help students feel valued within the classroom.


Do special education teachers and general education teachers plan their lessons together or separately?

Completely together! "General and special educators must establish a common planning time weekly to brainstorm and design upcoming curriculum units and lessons" (Causton & Bronson, 2015, p. 22).


What are some ways to incorporate differentiation into inclusive classrooms?

"Divide material into smaller chunks" for students with learning disabilities (Zarillo, 2011, p, 109). "Adding depth so students learn more information about a topic" for gifted students (Zarillo, 2011, p.113). "Include a wide variety of instructional resources and strategies" for all students in the classroom (Zarillo, 2011, p. 108).


What are the three aspects of culturally relevant pedagogy?

"Culturally relevant pedagogy rests on three criteria or propositions: (a) Students must experience academic success: (b) students must develop and/or maintain cultural competence; and (c) students must develop a critical consciousness through which they challenge the status-quo of the current social order" (Ladson-Billings, 1995, p. 160).
