Resources On Campus
Policies / Procedures
Roles and miscellaneus
On duty

What resource is referred when a student needs assistance with their health or mental health?

What is the Wellness Center?


Can an apartment with a 22,21,20.5,22 year old have alcohol in the common spaces?

What is No?


Who is on call? The AOC or GPC 

What is the AOC (administrator on call)?


Where should RAs hold mediations?

What is a neutral setting?


How many RAs are on duty each night?

There are four RAs on duty each night, two for each building


Who do you refer residents to if they are having issues with their termbill?

What is Financial Aid? 


What &. when are quiet hrs? (Everything for full points)

What are

24/7 curtesy hours

Sunday - Thursday 10pm - 10am

Friday - Saturday 12am-10am

Finals - 24/7


If a resident states that they are in the process of getting their ESA animal approved does that mean they can have their pet in their apartment.

What is NO, and let the AOC or supervisor know. 


Which kind of Roompact template would you use for logging mediations?

What is roommate conflict?


What do you do if you have observed a floor with a full trash room?

What is type up a duty note into Roompact and submit a maintenance request?


If you respond to a student that needs to talk to a confidential source about a domestic violence situation who would you refer them to?

What is VPVA (violence protection and victim assistance [Laura])?


What is the prohibited Item Policy?

What is the resident will be documented and reached out by OCS and will have 2 weeks to pick up their belonging before it is discarded of. 

(if item is confiscated a second time then it will be immediately disposed)


What does the Title IX act protect students from?

Sexual harassment and gender-based discrimination within academic settings


What do you do if a resident wants you to conduct an immediate mediation for their suite and you are not available/on duty?

What is relay them to the RA on duty?


What do you need while you are on duty?

What are master key(s) and the wand?


If a resident expresses concerns with their grades and class scheduling where would you refer the student to?

What is Academic Success?


How would you handle a resident complaint about laundry?

What is explain the policy that no one is allowed to touch someone else's belongings (even RAs) and if they would like to follow up or report to contact RUPD. 


What are the two confidential resources on campus?

What is VPVA and the Wellness center 

(we cannot promise confidentiality just privacy as we are mandated reportors)


Who hosts a mediation?

What are two RAs, one GPC/RA, or AOC/RA on duty after hours?

While doing rounds you notice that residents living in suite 603 are getting audibly loud. From the noise you hear what appears to be a giant piece of furniture get slammed to the ground. Who do you call first?

What is duty partner?


If a student wants to report being bullied, stalked, harassed, etc. - who would you connect them with?

What is Title IX office?


After you respond to a noise complaint what do you do?

What is submit a duty and maxient report?


What is Matt Gruber's title?

What is the Assistant director of housing adminstration


How do you navigate a mediation that goes beyond an hour with no resolution?

What is provide a solution for the meantime (ask if they can sleep over at a friend's place) or if they feel uncomfortable contact GPC/AOC for further inquiries. 


When you the RA makes the initial call to the AOC, and the AOC does not pick up the phone, how long should you wait before calling the ResLife on Call?

What is five minutes?