The Cups song came from this movie.
What is Pitch Perfect?
In this Vine: 'You're not my _____'.
What is dad?
The Olympic Statue next to Tower Hall depicts these two men.
Who are Smith & Carlos?
This fast food place is known for its 'Munchie Meal'.
What is Jack in the Box?
San Jose most known for this seasonal attraction...
What is Christmas in the Park?
In this children's movie, there is a chid character named Boo.
What is Monster's Inc.?
This meme includes a dog in a burning room with a caption stating...
What is 'This is Fine'?
The current president of SJSU is...
Who is Mary Papazian?
This local favorite has the prestigious 'Mint Mojito' classic.
What is Philz/Philz Coffee?
This is the famous tourist attraction in SF to see sea lions.
What is Pier 39?
A high school senior pretends to be sick and ditch school before they graduate in this classic.
What is Ferris Bueller('s Day Off)?
This childhood show is notorious for being the maker of many memes...
What is Spongebob (SquarePants)?
SJSU was founded in this year...
What is 1867?
This local boba shop is known for Tuesdays.
What is TPumps?
This is the most well-known stadium in Oakland (home to the Raiders and A's)...
What is the Colisseum?
'I Can Hear the Bells' is a classic song from this well-known film.
What is Hairspray?
Get to Del Taco... They've got the...
What is the Freshavocado?
Campus Village 2 opened in the fall of this year...
What is 2016?
This local favorite has a special orange sauce.
What is La Vics/La Victoria Taqueria?
The closest Dutch Bros. Coffee is in this city relative to San Jose.
What is Oakley/Antioch?
October 3rd a significant date in this teen-geared film.
What is Mean Girls?
'Uhhh, sir, this is a _________'s Drive-Thru...'
What is Wendy's?
This residence hall was completed in the 1960s...
What is Joe West?
This recently developed boba shop resulted from a supposed divorce.
What is Tisane?
ZOOM headquarters is located in this Bay Area city.
What is San Jose?