How frequently you need to host "Open Hours"
What is every two weeks?
True or false: Saying hi to residents and asking them how their day is going is a good way to get to know them.
These are the four identity centers on campus.
What is WAGE (Women and Gender Equity Center)
Mosaic Center for Students of Color
Interfaith Center
When you're unsure if someone is okay due to excessive drinking or they appear unwell, this is your first step.
What is call UVM Police? (or UVM Rescue)
This must be attached to every bed on the side not facing the wall.
What are bedrails?
The number of RLAE take to programs required every semester.
What are: almost any answer is acceptable
When a student is struggling or going through a troubling experience, this is often completed to help the student receive support.
There's alcohol unattended in the elevator. This is what you do.
Call ResEd on Duty (RET).
What is the guest policy?
What are at least 2 (especially for Amazon supplies, those are closer to 3).
What is educational or informative?
When you're struggling this person is here to talk to you, help you, and connect you with resources.
Who is your supervisor?
A student is demanding a room change because their roommate's shoes smell. It's 1 AM. This is what you do.
Any answer that hears the resident out but tells them a room change has to wait til morning. Wrong answer: tell RET they HAVE to give this person a room change.
Alcohol, cigarettes, covered smoke detectors, and candles require this type of report.
What are both TAC and IR reports?
When planning a program, you must check these resources (2) before picking a date.
What are the RA calendar and the RLAE calendar?
These types of questions seem to be the hardest to ask, though they almost always result in the responder opening up.
What are open-ended questions
When facilities are amiss in your community this system, accessible by residents, RAs, and prostaff alike, is your go-to resource.
What is PlanOn?
A student discloses that they are worried about their friend who is drinking a lot. They tell you their friend's room is full of alcohol. This is what you do.
Acceptable answer: fill out a CARE form for the student and inform your supervisor
Residents will say it's for the vibes, but attaching this to the ceiling poses a huge fire hazard.
What are tapestries?
RAs must plan two unique programs a semester and are encouraged to use these resources (name 3) when doing so.
their peers, RLAE staff, supervisor, RAs from different communities, community partners, pinterest, ChatGPT, etc.
Really no wrong answer.
This idea is founded in restorative practices and is often the method used for responding to disturbances in the community, but we use the same terminology to refer to information sessions with your residents prior to hall closing.
What are community circles?
The Center for Health and Well Being offers mental health counseling through CAPS, but they also provide this lesser-known resource after hours.
If you call the CAPS number after hours, you are able to talk to a live counselor in real time.
If you feel that a resident is in need of this service, it's encouraged to call up so you're not handling that alone.
You're doing walks when you encounter a half-full bottle of tequila in the stairwell. You call ResEd and you're waiting for them, when you receive a call from a resident about a friend who potentially needs medical attention because they are very drunk. Your duty partner suggests splitting up: you stay here with the alcohol and wait for ResEd while they help the resident. What do you do?
Abandon the alcohol and help the resident. Call ResEd and let them know where it is but you had to leave for an emergency.
Tell the resident to call police and wait for ResEd together. After ResEd dumps the alcohol, go to the resident and assist police.
Bad choices: dump the alcohol yourself and then go to the resident; call police on behalf of resident (you don't know enough info at that moment), ignore the resident altogether
This will land you a double fine - one from the city of Burlington and one from the University.
What is covering your smoke detector?