What are feed requirements?
Unlimited water and hay, 1-1.5 oz pellets per pound of rabbit.
List the lop breeds from smallest to largest?
Holland Lop, American Fuzzy Lop, Mini Lop, English Lop, and French Lop
How many types of normal fur are there and what are they?
Three. Fly back, roll back, and standing
What is hutch stain?
Yellow and/or brown patches on the underside, caused by dirty cages
How often should you check on your rabbit?
Are lettuce and cabbage good for your rabbit?
No, they don’t have any nutritional value and can make them sick
How many wool rabbit breeds are there?
Four. English, French, Giant (German), and Satin
What is coat density?
The thickness of the coat?
What are the symptoms of ear mites?
Scabs in the ears and frequent scratching
What are sore hocks and how can you prevent them?
By placing a foot/resting board in the rabbit’s cage
What are good treat options?
Black oiled sunflower seeds, oats, grass hay, fruits and veggies in small amounts
What is a marked breed?
Breeds with specific markings like Blanc de Hotot, Californian, Checkered Giant, Dutch, Dwarf Hotot, English Spot, Harlequin, Himalayan, Rhinelander
What is coat texture?
The feel and quality of the fur when stroked towards the head.
What are the symptoms of mange/ fur mites?
Scabs and/or balding, frequent scratching, usually starts on the rump or nape of the neck and shoulders
What are symptoms of a hairball? How can you prevent hairballs?
Heavy molt, they consume little or no food, absence of droppings in cage. Feeding hay on a regular basis during a heavy molt.
What are the two most common meat rabbit breeds in America?
New Zealand and Californian
What is a drag?
A fault on marked breeds that is an intrusion of color going into a white marking area.
What does varieties mean?
Color category of a rabbit
What are the symptoms of weepy eye?
Gooey eyes, matted fur or balding under the eye, swollen and/or inflamed eye lids
How can you cool down a rabbit in or near heat stroke?
Take rabbit to a cool down, ice down the ears, give it ice water using a syringe if it won’t drink from a bowl
Do Flemish Giants make good meat rabbits? Why or why not?
No, their bone is too big and they have slow growth rate,
What is a run?
A fault on marked breeds that is an intrusion of white going into a colored marking area
What are the five body types?
Compact, commercial, semi-arch, full arch, and cylindrical
What are the symptoms of snuffles?
Constant sneezing and/or coughing, mucus on the face and/or fore legs, and sometimes loss of appetite
What are splayed legs?
A birth defect or injury which limit the use of the hind legs.