Events (Easiest Category)
People (Shouldn't Struggle Much Here Until The 400pt Question)
Locations (I Pray You Took Notes)
Battles (Hodge Difficulty, Meaning Notes Will Only Get You So Far)
Fun Facts!!! (Notes Won't Save You Here So I Hope You Aren't An Uncultured Swine In Medieval Times)

This event was caused after Western Europe was invaded/mass populated by the Germanics.

What is The Dark Ages?


This leader won a battle against the Germanics after appealing to God.

Who is Clovis?


The invasion of this city is the reason the Dark Ages began.

What is Rome?


Pope Urban II started this war against the Turkish armies.

What is the First Crusade?


This little boy dies in basically every episode he stars in (Hint he speaks in muffling).

Who is Kenny?


This catastrophic event wiped out 50% of Europe's population.

What is the Bubonic Plague or what is the Black Death?


This monk lived in a cave as a hermit until he was convinced to come out and lead a monastery with fellow monks.

Who is Benedict?


These were established all over Europe during the Dark Ages (I feel like being nice so there is two acceptable answers).

What is a manor or what is a monastery?


This battle was the first of many times Jerusalem fell.

What is the Fall Of Jerusalem?


This iconic game trilogy, with a few side-games, basically takes place during the DARK Ages (no, there is not more than one correct answer because I said so).

What is Dark Souls?


After the fall of Rome, this religion spread across Europe rapidly.

What is Christianity?


This person is the sister of Benedict and adopted his ways and adopted his rules into her convent of nuns.

Who is Scholastica?


This city is where the First Crusade mostly took place.

What is Jerusalem?


This war was started by French King Phillip VI and lasted for 100 years.

What is the Hundred Years' War?


This movie is a direct parody of the Dark Ages (full, exact movie title required for points).

What is Monty Python And The Holy Grail?


This torture device is used to rip apart your insides.

What is the Pear Of Anguish?


This Holy Roman emperor ruled from 768 to 814.

Who is Charlemagne?


This country was responsible for forcing the Germanics to invade Rome by slaughtering all of them.

What is Mongolia?


This battle caused the fall of Rome (I feel like being nice so I shall let Hodge show mercy by being lenient if he decides if you are worthy of his mercy).

What is the Medieval Battle For Rome, what is the Fall Of Rome, what is the Dawn Of The Middle ages, or what is the Dawn Of The Dark Ages?


This iconic, sometimes regarded as the best RPG video game ever made, basically takes place during the Dark Ages as its a land with 9 different holds/cities (Full, exact game title required for points and yes, there is only one right answer because I said so).

What is The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Only acceptable answer)?


This document was written to state that kings cannot exploit their power over foreign nations.

What is Magna Carta?


This person was king of Jerusalem and was well known for wearing a mask to hide his leprosy (I don't care that this wasn't in the notes because he's a very interesting man to learn about).

Who is King Baldwin?


This city is where the Turkish army was mainly stationed.

What is Istanbul?


This war led to the Norman Dynasty ruling England for 1000 years.

What is the Battle For England or what is the Battle Of Hastings?


This cute but evil creature poses as a dangerous threat in Monty Python And The Holy Grail (full, exact name required for points).

Who is the Rabbit Of Caerbannog?
