Name of our childhood golden retriever
How did the nickname "Jack" start?
The song "Happy Jack" by the Who
Rachel would check these books out from the library in elementary school every week
How we'd make money in the summer when kids
Lemonade stand
Rachel's first car
Name two cats from Rachel's childhood
Cat, Cello, Frasier
How is Raymond related to the family?
Uncle Mike's ex-wife's husband
Rachel played this instrument in the school band
Arcade game we used to have in the basement
Rachel played this sport on JV as a junior
Haley ate these and pooped them out for weeks
Easter basket confettis
Name all of Dad's siblings (there are 3)
Terrie, Mike, Kathy
Rachel did this every winter instead of playing sports
School musical
The highly inappropriate characters Jack and Rachel played as in this game where Jack messed things up and Rachel fixed them
Mr Clean and the Dirty Indian
Rachel was in this sorority for 2 years
Alpha Phi
Near-death experience Haley had where Dad saved her
Went through the ice
Grandma's brothers names
Jim and Joe
Rachel performed this song in the talent show
100 Years or Drops of Jupiter
Jack and I's favorite toys to play with as kids
Beanie Babies
Grandma used to work here
Merrill Lynch
Marley was given her name because of this
4/20 birthday, Bob Marley
One of Rachel's favorite cousins on Dad's side, lives in Chicago and is an English Teacher (Uncle Mike's daughter)
Erin Pasche
Rachel did this sport for one year in 7th grade and absolutely hated it
Name of the YouTube channel Audrey and Rachel started
What grade did Mom used to teach?
4th grade