A true friend shows love at all times ...
... and is a brother who is born for times of distress
Proverbs 17:17
Rahab was told to do this to save her family.
What is tie a scarlet thread in the window?
(Josh 2:18)
I was a shepherd, musician, poet, soldier, prophet, and king.
Who is David?
(IT p585)
My name means "dove"
Jehovah gave me a lesson in mercy
I had an encounter with a fish
Who was Jonah?
(IT 98)
Newest member of the GB
Ken Cook
I am full of music and songs
What are Psalms?
This insect uses hexagons to build its homes, which in 1999 mathematicians proved are stronger than triangles or squares.
What is bees?
"The Earth remains forever"
What is Pslams 37:29?
Jehovah parted this body of water for the Israelites to pass thru.
What is the Red Sea?
(IT p763)
David said I was faster than an eagle and stronger than a lion.
Who is Jonathan?
One of the richest and wisest people ever to live.
Who was Solomon?
(1 Kings 3:12, 13)
City that held a memorable convention in 1922 with the slogan “Advertise the King and Kingdom:
What is Cedar Point, Ohio?
What better place to start than the Beginning
What is Genesis?
This insect appears just for a few weeks and then does not appear again for 17 years.
What is the cicadas?
[Love] bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. ...
Love never fails.
1 Corinthians 13:7,8
Jehovah gave this as a sign he would never again destroy the earth by a flood.
The Rainbow (or Rainbow Covenant)
(Genesis 9:13)
Pilate set him free in place of Jesus
Who was Barabbas?
(Matthew 27:26)
I was thrown into a pit of lions
Who is Daniel?
(Daniel 6:16)
The Awake magazine used to have this title?
What is The Golden Age?
I offer wisdom and discipline
What are Proverbs?
It can bite three times as hard as a lion or a tiger, but its jaw is more sensitive than a human fingertip. It has the most powerful bite ever measured for an animal now living.
What is the crocodile?
Trust in Jehovah with all your heart, and ...
... do not rely on your own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5
This was used as a waterproofing substance for the ark.
What is tar? (or bitumen)
I ate locusts and wild honey
Who was John the Baptist?
(Matthew 3:4)
I was in prison with a cupbearer and a baker.
Who is Joseph?
Number of Governing Body Members
What is 8
The number of books of the bible
What is 66
This animal part has 150,000 muscles but no bones and can be used as a straw or a snorkle.
What is the elephants trunk?
Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people. And God himself will be with them. And ...
... he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.
Revelation 21:3,4
Twin boys, one was a hunter and one was a homebody.
Who is Esau and Jacob?
(BS lesson 13)
I protected my baby brother in a basket in the river.
Who is Miriam?
(BS lesson 17)
Who is Peter?
The year that the identity of the great multitude (Great Crowd) was made clear.
What is 1935.
The last book of the Hebrew scriptures (some call them the "Old Testament"
What is Malachi?
This animals sense of smell is 1000 times more refined than ours, it has been defined as one of the most sophisticated odor detection devices on the planet.
What is a dog?
And no resident will say: “I am sick.” The ...
... people dwelling in the land will be pardoned for their error.
Isaiah 33:24
In Ezekiels vision involving the four wheels, they appeared to be glowing as this semi precious stone.
What is chrysolite?
(IT p46)
Jesus saw me under the fig tree
Who is Nathaniel?
(John 1:48)
I asked for wet wool and dry ground as a sign.
Number of GB committees
What is 6
Known for saying "order in the court"
What are Judges?
This building block found in living cells holds billions of pieces of biological information.
What is DNA?
The meek will possess the earth, and ...
... they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.
Psalm 37:11?
Why did Jephthah weep when he saw his daughter?
Jephthah vowed to give the first person to greet him to Jehovah
(Judges 11:30-35)
My name means "Gift of Jehovah"
I was known as Levi
I use to be a tax collector, but then I was chosen by Jesus.
Who is Matthew?
(IT 352)
My wife was a nag. And a really bad hair stylist.
Who was Samson?
(Judges 16:16-19)
This is the movie set location for the new multi year Jesus series.
What is Australia or Austral Asia Branch?
The gospels
What are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John?
This animals body part is covered with 290 papillae, tiny backward facing spines, stiff as your fingernail, used for grooming.
What is a cats tongue?
All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial ...
... for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness.
2 Timothy 3:16
The 5 world powers foretold by Daniel
(hint, Gold, Silver, Copper, Iron, Iron/clay)
Gold: Babylon
Silver: Medo Persia
Copper: Greece
Iron: Rome
Iron/clay: Anglo-America
My first husbands name meant “senseless,stupid”
Who is Abigail?
(IT 20)
Joseph and Benjamin's mother.
Who was Rachel?
(IT 726)
!!!!!!!! DAILY DOUBLE !!!!!!
Name 5 of the Governing Body Members
double points for naming all members
K. E. Cook, Jr.; S. F. Herd; G. W. Jackson; M. S. Lett; G. Lösch; A. Morris III; D. M. Sanderson; D. H. Splane
Book of the Law
What is Leviticus?
In 2010 five million barrels of crude oil leaked in gulf of Mexico yet within months the contamination had disappeared, this tiny organism made it possible.
What is marine bacteria?
Keep on, then, seeking first the Kingdom and ...
his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you
Matthew 6:33
Only 300 out of 10,000 men did this the right way.
What is drink from a stream while watching for enemy?
Madness befell this boastful Babylonian king.
Who is Nebuchadnezzar?
My mother's name was Mary and her home was used as a meeting place.
Paul refused to take me along on his second missionary tour.
While I don't admit to it, most people say I left my garment behind and got away naked
Who is Mark?
(IT 320)
How many bethelites worldwide as of 2020.
(within a thousand)
I declare: that God is not partial
What is Acts?
This marine animal can change its color and pattern almost instantaneously.
What is the cuttlefish?
Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations...
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit.
Matthew 28:19
What Jacob was led to believe had happened to his son Joseph when his brothers came back without him.
What is killed by wild animal?
(BS lesson 14)
I said: “Here I am! Send me!”
Who was Isaiah?
(Isaiah 6:8)
I married Boaz, and became an ancestress of Jesus.
Who is Ruth?
(IT 828)
This book that contains a subheading entitled “Tanning the Old Lady’s Hide”
What is the Proclaimers book?
I am actually not a book, but a letter written from Greece, most probably from Corinth
What is Romans?
This Australian reptiles skin extracts moisture from fog, humidity and wet sand then channels the water to its mouth for drinking.
What is the Australian thorny devil lizard?
Whoever does not love has not come to know God, because ...
...God is love.
1 John 4:8
How long did it take for Nehemiah to rebuild Jerusalem's walls
52 days
(IT 486)
I asked Jesus how many times are we to forgive our brother?
Who was Peter?
(Matthew 18:21)
My donkey spoke to me by means of Jehovah.
Who is Balaam?
(IT p244)
Daily Double
This was the computerized pre press system developed by Witnesses in 1986 to aid the translation work.
Double points-What does it stand for?
Multi-language Electronic Phototypesetting System
I declare Paul to be "an apostle, neither from men nor through a man, but through Jesus Christ and god the Father" and it was written in "large letters with Paul's own hands"...
What is Galatians?
This insect can hear high pitch sounds better than any know creature in the world, yet its ears are only the size of a pinhead.
What is the Greater Wax moth?
(moth accepted)
For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that ...
... everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.
John 3:16
The number of Israelite men to cross the Red Sea in 1513 bc
about 600,000 men on foot, besides children.
And a vast mixed company also went with them, as well as flocks and herds, a great number of livestock.
(Exodus 12:37, 38)
I was daughter of Bethuel the son of Nahor.
My brother’s name was Laban.
I was married to Isaac
Who was Rebekah?
(IT 756)
I was sanctified as a prophet before my birth.
I foretold the desolation of Judah and Jerusalem by Babylon, and I lived through it.
Who was Jeremiah?
(IT 30.6)
The year that the Watchtower magazine started being published.
What is 1879?
The shortest book of the bible
3 John
This dirty little insect uses the milky way galaxy for guidance and uses unwanted substances to make a home.
What is the dung beetle?
This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and ...
... the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ.
John 17:3
When called to Ninevah, Jonah instead ran to this city
What is Tarshish
(Jonah 1:3)
I was 90 years old and my husband was 100 when we had our firstborn.
Who was Sarah?
(Genesis 18:12; 21:5)
We were two of twelve spies, we trusted in Jehovah and were confident we could conquer the giants of Canaan.
Caleb and Joshua
That stated purpose of this GB committee is:
Supervises the production and shipping of Bible literature and the construction of meeting places, translation offices, and branch facilities.
unstated purpose : finances / money
What is the Publishing Committee
The Pentateuch
What are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy?
This underwater creature can be lumpy, bumpy, or even spiky and its skin has three states, stiff, medium, and soft and can change at will.
What is the sea cucumber?
But become kind to one another, tenderly compassionate, freely forgiving one another ...
... just as God also by Christ freely forgave you.
Ephesians 4:32
These are the first three plagues brought on Egypt.
What is
1.Nile turned to blood
Arabian traditions claim that one of my sons was also the progenitor of the Chinese peoples.
I am one of Noah's sons
Shem and I covered my father with a garment
Who was Japheth?
(IT 1255)
She is the only woman mentioned in the scriptures as having the feminine form of the word "disciple" applied to her.
Hint-also known as Tabitha
Who is Dorcas?
(IT p646)
Name all the GB Committees.
what is
Coodinator, Publishing, Teaching, Service, Writing, Personal
List the 5 "Poetic Books"
What are Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon (or Canticles)
(Study bible introduction: Question 19)
This animals sonar can tell the difference between containers that contain water, salt water, syrup, or oil from a distance of 10 meters.
What is a dolphin?
And stop being molded by this system of things, but be transformed by making your mind over, so that you may ...
prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2
On the last night of Jesus' life, Peter cut off this man's right ear.
Who is Malchus (a slave to the high priest)
(John 18:10)
My name means "rebel"
I was known as a mighty hunter in defiance of Jehovah
I built the tower of Babel
Who was Nimrod
(IT 503)
Jehovah made me eat a scroll. It was delicious.
Jehovah made my "forehead" hard like diamond.
Among other amazing visions, Jehovah showed me his celestial chariot.
Who was Ezekiel
(Ezekiel 1:4-28; 3:3, 9)
These instruction booklets came before the "Christian Life and Ministry" workbook and before the "Our Kingdom Ministry" .
Any 1 of the 3.
the "Director" (1935-1936) and the "Informant"(1936-1956) ?
Bible books that start with the letter "Z"
What are Zephaniah and Zechariah?
Daily Double!!!
Double points if both questions answered correctly.
Q.1 The sun can fit this many earths inside of it.
Q.2 This is the distance of earth from the sun.
2.What is 93 million miles?