"The Bench" deals with the relationship between whites and blacks in South Africa during apartheid. Explain what apartheid was
Apartheid was a system of racial discrimination in South Africa and involved the whites having better opportunities than the non-white population.
Who where the stolen generation?
Indigenous Australian children forcibly removed from their families
What is settler colonialism?
Communities that established on indigenous lands.
Where does the majority of aboriginals live in Australia?
In Regional areas
Why does the white man refuse to share the bench with the black man?
Because apartheid laws prohibited racial mixing in public spaces
What was the main goal of removing aboriginal children from their family?
To erase their cultural identity and force white culture upon them
What position was Nelson Mandela the first ever to become?
First black president of South Africa
What were the consequences of the setteler colonialism?
The indigenous people were removed from their land.
How many aboriginals smoked in 2002?
Around 50%
What happened to the black man in the end of the story?
He was arrested for sitting on the bench
What was some of the long term affects on the stolen generation?
broken family connections
loss of cultural identity
What major event happened in South Africa when Nelson Mandela gave his inaugural speech?
Whats the differences between normal colonialism and settler colonialism?
Normal Colonialism aims to exploit the resources on the land they've colonialized.
Where Settler colonialism aims to create a permanent presence on the colonialized land. I.e Just live there.
What was the unemployment rate of indigenous people in 2012-2013?
Around 45%
What does the sign on the bench say?
"Whites only"
What did the children experience at the institutions/boys homes?
Sexual abuse
Bad Nutrition
Bad Living conditions
What did Mandela hope for South Africa in his speech?
He hoped for at peaceful, democratic future with no more segregation or injustice
Portugal, France, Spain, Dutch and Britain.
How many procent of the Australian population where indigenous in 2011?
3% = 670.000
What does the bench symbolize in the story?
Racial segregation and injustice during apartheid
What has the Australian Goverment done to help the stolen generation afterwards?
What did Mandela describe South Africa as?
"A rainbow nation at peace with itself and the world"
Name at least 2 contries where settler colonialism was used?
America, Australia
How many times higher is the national rate of imprisonment for indigenous people than Australians?
15 times higher