What is the rappers name
Dave Blunts
what is racism?
its when you discriminate someone about their skin/race
how can we eradicate racism from our community? (easy response)
stand up or something
what head sickness can you get from facing racism?
What can he not put down?
can only black people face racism?
how can we eradicate racism from our community? (medium response)
protest and advocate for others. (or something different)
how can people get into fights over racism? how can this be bad?
if someone discriminated or said a microaggression. and it can cause injury
What is Dave Blunt's Nationality?
how does racism affect someone physically? ( only one point )
you can get into an altercation. Also, the stress that builds up from racism can lead to heart problems, headaches and other unexplained pains.
how can we eradicate racism from our community? (hard response)
talks about the black significance and how it eradicates racism from our community
discrimination and microaggressions can cause what to build up?
How much does dave blunts weigh?
650 lbs
how does racism affect someone mentally? (one point)
people who face racism feel anxious and worried because they fear discrimination (which can cause anxiety and depression). This causes them to be alone (isolation) which is a symptom of suicide.
how can we eradicate racism from our community? (extreme response, something I didn't say in my presentation and I don't know)
(extreme response, something I didn't say in my presentation and I don't know)
why is stress buildup bad?
because it causes heart problems, inflammation and headaches.