In the Left Lateral Decubitus projection of the abdomen, free air will form shadows under what?
The right Hemidiaphragm.
A properly exposed abdominal radiograph will exhibit what?
1. psoas muscles
2. lower border of liver
3. lumbar vertebrae
What structure must be demonstrated on an UPRIGHT ABDOMEN PROJECTION?
The Diaphragm.
Diarthrodial joint
CR location PA, LATERAL, OBLIQUE PROJECTIONS for Digits 2-5?
Perpendicular, CR enters at PIP joint (Proximal Interphalangeal joint)
In the Left Lateral Decubitus Position, the central ray should enter where?
Patient positioned left side down, CR enters 2 inches above iliac crest.
For the KUB radiograph, when should respiration be suspended, and what effect will that have on the Diaphragm?
On full expiration, this elevates the diaphragm.
A rupture of what would most likely cause free air on an UPRIGHT ABDOMEN PROJECTION.
Rupture of the colon.
What is: A joint that moves only in one plane, such as flexion or extension?
Synovial Hinge Joint
CR location for PA, AP, LATERAL, OBLIQUE PROJECTION of the 1st digit (THUMB)?
Perpendicular, Enters at MCP Joint (Metacarpophalangeal joint).
What structure is BEST DEMONSTRATED on a Lateral Abdomen Projection?
The Abdominal Aorta.
In cases of suspected bowel obstruction, a lateral decubitus position of the abdomen would be taken to demonstrate what?
presence of gas or fluid levels.
What position DOES NOT demonstrate free air within the abdomen?
What is: A freely movable joint?
Synovial joint.
What Anatomy must be included in a Hand Xray?
1. distal phalanges through Distal radius and ulna
Perpendicular, 2 Inches above iliac crest
What is the Optimum KVP for PA Chest with a grid?
105-120 KVP
For a Left Lateral Decubitus Projection, where is the CR Location?
Patient left side down, CR enters 2 inches above iliac crest.
What is the KVP range for upper limb radiography?
60-70 KVP
A PA Projection of the Hand Demonstrates the first digit (THUMB) in what position?
When viewing a Supine Abdomen Radiograph, what criteria is used to determine that all necessary anatomy is included.
From Pubic Symphysis to Diaphragm in profile.
If the patient is too ill to stand for an upright abdomen, which of the following should be substituted?
Left Lateral Decubitus.
What is the KVP range for Abdominal Radiography?
What anatomy must be included on a finger (Digit) xray?
Distal phalanx through distal end of Metacarpal.
How many Bones does the hand consist of?
27 Bones