What is Supination?
movement that turns the palm to face upward. in this position the radius and ulna are parallel.
What bone classification are the radius and ulna?
Long Bones
How do you position a Lateral Forearm?
1. shoulder placed on same plane as elbow
2. Arm flex 90 degrees.
What type of joint is the Elbow?
Hinge joint
How do you know that you have PROPER POSITIONING on an AP ELBOW PROJECTION?
1. Slight superimposition of radial head,neck,tuberosity over the ulna.
What is Pronation?
Turning the palms downward (palm down on the IR)
In this position the radius crosses over the ulna.
For an AP projection of the Forearm, the Hand is what?
What anatomy should be included on a Lateral Forearm Projection?
1. elbow joint
2. radius/ulna
3. carpal bones
4. olecranon fossa.
What position is the hand in on a Lateral Elbow Projection?
True Lateral, thumb up.
How do you know that an AP OBLIQUE LATERAL ROTATION ELBOW PROJECTION is properly positioned?
1. radial head, neck, tuberosity free from ulna superimposition
2. Capitulum in profile.
What Anatomy should be included on Forearm Radiographs?
1.Distal Humerus to proximal/distal radius/ulna
2. Proximal Carpals.
How do you know that you have proper positioning on a AP FOREARM PROJECTION?
Slight superimposition of radial head, neck, and tuberosity over the ulna.
How do you know that a LATERAL FOREARM PROJECTION is properly positioned?
1.Superimposed distal radius/ulna.
2.Radial head over coronoid process
3. 90 degree flexion
What Elbow Projection BEST DEMONSTRATES the Olecranon Process?
How do you know that an AP OBLIQUE MEDIAL ROTATION ELBOW PROJECTION is properly positioned?
1. radial head, neck, and tuberosity superimposed over ulna.
2. coronoid process in profile.
If the Radius and Ulna are crossed over each other on an AP forearm image, the hand was likely?
What position is the Hand in for a Lateral Forearm Projection?
Hand is Lateral.
Perpendicular, Mid forearm.
On an AP ELBOW PROJECTION, what is the relationship of the Epicondyles to the IR?
For a Lateral Elbow Projection, How many degrees should the Elbow be flexed?
90 degrees.
What bones make up the forearm?
Radius (lateral)
Ulna (Medial)
For the AP FOREARM PROJECTION, the humeral epicondyles are?
Parallel to the IR.
Where are the Radial/Ulnar styloid processes located?
On their Distal ends.
What Anatomy should be included on an Elbow Radiograph?
1. Elbow joint
2. Proximal radius/ulna
3. Distal Humerus.
What is the relationship of the Epicondyles to the IR for a Lateral Elbow Projection?
Epicondyles are perpendicular to the IR.