Monitoring Motion
Motion Surveillance
Eagle Eye Monitoring
Motion Management

The following can contribute to random sources of error that vary day to day

1.    Organ stability

2.    Anatomic changes

3.    Image-guidance errors

a.    1 and 2

b.    1 and 3

c.    2 and 3

d.    1, 2 and 3

C. What are Anatomic Changes and Image-Guidance errors?


6.    Stochastic motion is random in:

1.    time

2.    direction

3.    speed

a.    1 and 2

b.    1 and 3

c.    2 and 3

d.    1, 2 and 3

A. What is Time and Direction?


11. Effects that are unlikely to occur in exactly the same way for every fraction delivered to a patient.

What is Interplay?


16.    Investigation has shown that the breast moves mostly in the ______ direction by ______ mm during regular breathing.

a.    superior-inferior, 2 to 4

b.    anterior-posterior, 2 to 4

c.    superior-inferior, 3 to 6

d.    anterior-posterior, 3 to 6

B.    What is anterior-posterior, 2 to 4?


The following are examples of intrafraction motion

a.    patient positioning

b.    volumetric changes

c.    patient setup

d.    unintentional motion

D.    What is unintentional motion?


7.    ______ motion is almost imperceptible changes in position.

a.    Interfraction

b.    Intrafraction

c.    Systematic

d.    Stochastic

C. What is Systematic?


12. During regular breathing, with the same transpulmonary pressure, the deflating lung volume is larger than the inflating volume.

What is Hysteresis?


17.    Which of the following are examples of imaging techniques the radiation oncologist can use during simulation to determine the extent of the intrafraction motion?

1.    4-D computed tomography

2.    4-D positron emission tomography

3.    dynamic fluoroscopy

a.    1 and 2

b.    1 and 3

c.    2 and 3

d.    1, 2 and 3

D.    1, 2 and 3?


The following are examples or organ motion?

1.    swallowing

2.    peristalsis

3.    heartbeat

a.    1 and 2

b.    1 and 3

c.    2 and 3

d.    1, 2 and 3

D. What is Swallowing, Peristalsis, and Heartbeat?


8.    The external intercostal muscle pulls the rib cage ______ and ______, during inspiration.

a.    anterior, superior

b.    inferior, superior

c.    anterior, posterior

d.    inferior, posterior

A.    What is anterior and superior?


13. Predict the spatial location of a tumor or organ when its actual position cannot be directly observed.

What is a Surrogate?


18.    ______ requires devices and techniques that reduce the amount of motion that occurs or controls the target by keeping it in a reproducible stage of respiratory cycle.

a.    Synchonizing

b.    Dampening

c.    Chasing

d.    Gating

B.    What is Dampening?


The following organ are affected by respiratory motion

1.    lung

2.    liver

3.    prostate

a.    1 and 2

b.    1 and 3

c.    2 and 3

d.    1, 2 and 3

D. What is lung, liver, and prostate


9.    Transpulmonary pressure ______ during inhalation and ______ during exhalation.

a.    decreases, reduces

b.    inferior, reduces

c.    decreases, recovers

d.    increases, recovers

C.    What is decreases and recovers?


14.    During normal respiration, lung volume changes approximately ______ %.

a.    10

b.    20

c.    30

d.    40

B.  What is 20?


19.    Which of the following are factors that indicate the extent of organ motion?

1.    organ deformation

2.    speed of organ movement

3.    frequency of organ movement

a.    1 and 2

b.    1 and 3

c.    2 and 3

d.    1, 2 and 3

D.    What is 1, 2 and 3?


5.    The tumor home position is considered a ______ organ and the position is averaged over the ______.

a.    moving, fraction

b.    stationary, fraction

c.    moving, course of treatment

d.    stationary, course of treatment

A.    What is moving, fraction?


10. The use of any motion-adaptive method that relies on a static beam-to-patient relationship.

What is Gating?


15.    Lung lesions can move as much as ______ during normal breathing.

a.    1 to 2 cm

b.    2 to 3 cm

c.    3 to 4 cm

d.    4 to 5 cm

B.    What is 2 to 3 cm?


20.    ______ uses spatial adaption to change the position of the beam or the patient in response to the target motion.

a.    Synchonizing

b.    Dampening

c.    Chasing

d.    Gating

C.    What is Chasing?
