What is the mass number of Uranium - 235
Write out the Standard Atomic Notation for a Gamma Ray
A high powered electron that can be emitted from the nucleus
What is a Beta particle
Splitting of an unstable heavy isotope into smaller isotopes
What is fission
Process which released alpha particles
What is alpha decay
How many neutrons does Chlorine - 35 have?
18 neutrons
Write the standard atomic notation for a neutron
A radioactive decay particle, with low penetrating power, stoppable by your hand
What is an Alpha particle
What are isotopes
High energy particle or waves
What is radiation
This radioactive isotope has 6 protons and 7 neutrons
Carbon - 13
Write out the standard atomic notation for GOLD-197
Not a particle but high powered energy from the nucleus
What are gamma rays
Fuel for nuclear fission reactors such as CANDU
What is Uranium
A word describing heavy unstable particles that may decay or release energy
What is radioactive
This isotope has 64 mass, 28 of which are protons
Nickel - 64
Write out BOTH ways to express a PROTON in standard atomic notation
1 1
H p
1 1
Radioactive decay particles that are charged allowing magnetic fields to affect them.
Process that occurs on the surface of the sun at 10,000,000ยบ
What is fusion
Canada's solution to nuclear power post World War 2
(Not the acronym)
What is Canadian Deuterium Uranium
This radioactive isotope comes with 19 electrons and 21 neutrons
What is potassium - 40
Write out the standard atomic notation for the following:
36 electrons, 44 neutrons
Draw each:
Alpha particle
Beta particle
Gamma particle
4 0 0
He e Y
2 -1 0
Provide an analogy for FUSION - that wasn't discussed in class
Innovations involving radioactivity or nuclear reactions
Nuclear Technology