What is the time period between x-ray exposure and experience of symptoms?
Latent Period
Why might you have to duplicate X-rays?
Referring to specialists, insurance claims, or when patients change dentists.
What is the optimum temperature for manual processing tanks?
65 degrees
Who owns the dental radiographs?
What bone have I broken?
What happens as kilovoltage gets higher? What happens to the contrast?
lower the contrast
How can you tell which side of the film to place towards the tube?
Tube side is solid white and has the raised bump on one corner.
What is the purpose of a safelight?
Provides enough illumination to process films safely (Red-Orange Spectrum)
Explain the Coin Test....
Test the effectiveness of the safelight.
What is my dads name? (Hint starts with a B)
What does Radiolucent mean?
When film appears dark
What is the size of performed bite wing? (Dental film)
Size 3
How often should processing solutions be replenished?
Daily and changes every 3-4 days
What type of gloves should be worn when disinfecting radiography operatory?
Utility Gloves
What year did Jacob and I meet in college?
What is Happening during Ionization?
Electrons are removed from orbital shells
What does ALARA stand for?
As low as reasonably achievable
What is the minimum distance between safelight and the working area?
4 feet
What does the bitewing show?
shows upper and lower teeth in occlusion
What side am I always ordering from sonic?
mozzarella sticks
Who discovered X-Rays?
Wilhem Rontgen
What is the purpose of a collimator?
Reduce patient exposure
What are the 5 steps in processing dental radiographs?
Development, Rinsing, Fixation, Washing, and Drying
What is the preferred method of mounting radiographs?
Mounted as if the viewer is looking directly at the patient. The patients left side is on your right vice versa....
What is my favorite type of "hot chip"
Hot Fries