Should hamsters be kept in pairs?
No hamsters can be very territorial, and they can kill each other or injure themselves really badly.
Are hamsters herbivores?
No, they eat both meat and produce so they are omnivores.
What are the 5 domesticated species of hamsters?
Syrian, Roborovski , Campbell's dwarfs, Chinese, winter white Russian dwarf
What do people call long-haired Syrians?
Teddy Bear hamsters
What bedding is most commonly bought?
paper based bedding
Can your hamsters eat hay?
Yes, hay can be very beneficial addition to their diet.
Can you breed Campbells and winter white dwarfs together?
Yes, this are the only two you can unless they are the same species.
How many species of hamsters are there?
There are around 20 species of hamsters.
How many inches of bedding should be in your hamster's enclosure?
6+ inches of bedding
Should you mix store bought pellets in your hamster's seed mix?
Yes, this can give your hamster more variety to their seed mix.
Which hamster species is the fastest?
the roborovski dwarf
What state are hamsters banned in?
Can you put cotton fluff in your hamster's enclosure?
No their limbs can get tangled and break.
Should you feed your hamster fruits and vegetables every day?
Yes, but only a little a day.
Which species of hamsters are the smallest and the biggest?
The Roborovski and the Syrian
What species of hamsters are critically endangered?
European hamsters
How big show your hamster's enclosure be?
Your hamster's enclosure should be at least 450 sq or 100x50cm.
What do hamsters eat?
Seeds, fruits, vegetables, and insects
Are all hamsters tan?
Where did hamsters get their names from?
They get their names from the German word "hamstern" which means "hoard".