RAFT Rules
Case Scenarios
Anything RAFT

Where can I identify if the tenant application is a utility only?

On case header section if “No LL payment case” is selected or No LL app


This document must be within 90 days of an application.  

Notice to Quit (NTQ) 


An Advocate submitted an application for an applicant who just received a voucher and wants to move to a new unit. The applicant is seeking funds for security, first and last month’s rent.  What is the crisis?  

No crisis – need eligible crisis to move  


Where do you leave your notes about an application?  

Case comments  


What is the full name for the acronym RAFT?

Residential Assistance for Families in Transition


Where do I manually verify a household income if rejected by MH/DTA?

Related tab income section  


Subsidy households have what restrictions with applying for RAFT?  

Up to 6 months of arrears + Good cause support 


An applicant walked in to ask for an update on her second utility application as she just received another bill in the mail.   Checking in E2E, her prior application was denied due to the medical protection, staff confirmed with the utility company the medical protection is current.  However, the applicant is nervous about the high utility bill and being able to keep up with the payment plan.  Can RAFT assist this applicant?

No, not at risk of shut off.  


When are the only instances when RAFT can’t assist with utilities?

Winter moratorium or protection (no shut off) or in name of someone not in household (no crisis)


What is the maximum benefit someone can receive in furniture assistance  



Where can I find a landlords w9?  

LL application or contact card  


An applicant is moving due to being doubled up and haven’t had utilities in their name for a few years due to going to collections.  The voucher agency requires the utilities to be in the applicant's name upon moving.  What can RAFT do to assist with utility?

Pay the minimum dollars to transfer services  


Tenant’s children are moving out and the HOH no longer needs the 3-bedroom unit, she would like to find a smaller affordable unit. What is the crisis? What would you recommend the client apply for?

Downsizing + LOI


A case manager is working on an application for an applicant who is doubled up and asking for furniture assistance. The household includes 3 adults and two children, totaling the furniture to $1350 making the request over the program limit. What can the case manager do to assist the family with the furniture invoice with RAFT?  

Request from Zendesk a furniture waiver from EOHLC  


A household is living in a unit where they and their household members sleep on the floor. The household applies under the crisis “health and safety” and documents the unsafe housing situation with a doctor’s note. Can RAFT assist this applicant? f yes/no, why?

Yes, crisis is health and safety  


Why do you review for duplicates in E2E, what is it for?  

To identify RAFT dollars used within last 12 months


What two types of payments can RAFT not be approved for?

Broker fee or stipends  


The applicant applied for RAFT in March 2024 to move to a new unit, but the application was timed out due to not receiving documentation. The second application is received on 5/24 for furniture only and the tenant moved in 5/1.  The advocate letter provided explains that the household needs to furnish their new apartment, as she had to leave behind her furniture because it was damaged.  Can RAFT assist this applicant?  

No - No Crisis  


For households not presumed income eligible by MH/DTA, what do tenants need to provide for wages income?  

2 paystubs dated within the last 60 days  


Houshold is living in a market rate unit with mice infestation and needs to find a new apartment to live in but can’t afford it due to bad credit. What is the crisis? What would you recommend the client apply for?  

Health/safety + LOI app  


When selecting “Reason for denial” to deny a case, please list at least 3 denial options you have in E2E to use.  

Over income, maxed benefits, no eligible crisis, no funding, other, suspected fraud  


A tenant has applied for startup costs to move with an application date of May 28, 2024, but received RAFT for $7000 July 15, 2023, for rent arrears with a prior application.  Is this Household eligible with the current application?  If yes/no, why?

No – max out of funds.  


An applicant is anxious about receiving a summary process for months of rent owed during the winter months. The tenant provided an advocate letter that indicates due to recent substance abuse relapse and stay at facility after Christmas the tenant wasn't able to pay their rent. The advocate added in the substance abuse treatment certificate showing completion of the program. Is the letter provided enough documentation of good cause? If yes/no, why?

Yes, good cause – advocate letter and support document connect to nonpayment of rent  


What is the full name for the acronym for EOHLC

Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities


Name all the eligible renter housing crisis (8)  

NTQ, Eviction, Doubled up, Health/Safety, DV, Natural Disaster, UTL, Other  
