Есть джем в тележке
There is some jam
Нет риса
There isn't any rice
Есть сахар?
Is there any sugar?
Is there any milk in the trolley? (+)
Yes, there is
There isn't some burgers
There aren't any burgers
Есть бананы
There are some bananas
Нет хлеба
There isn't any bread
Есть сэндвичи?
Are there any sandwiches?
Are there any burgers in the trolley?(-)
No, there aren't
There is any honey
There is some honey
Есть бургер
There is a burger
Нет яблока
There isn't an apple
Есть томат?
Is there a tomato?
Are there any lemons in the trolley? (+)
Yes, there are
Are there any sandwich?
Are there any sandwiches?
Есть масло
There is some butter
Нет томатов
There aren't any tomatoes
Есть яблочный сок?
Is there any apple juice?
Is there any bread in the trolley? (-)
No, there isn't
There is some oranges
There are some oranges
Есть яблоко
There is an apple
Нет мороженого
There isn't any ice cream
Есть яйца?
Are there any eggs?
Is there any cheese in the trolley? (+)
Yes, there is
Is there any eggs?
Are there any eggs?