This character is the youngest member of the Younger family.
A Raisin in the Sun was named after a poem by this author.
Langston Hughes
This person is the playwright of A Raisin in the Sun.
Lorraine Hansberry
The name of the mother of Travis
Who is Ruth Young
The insurance check the family is waiting for will give them $_________.
$10,000 (ten thousand dollars
Lorraine was the first African American woman playwright to have a play performed on______________
What does Travis play with outside
A Rat
What was Walter's definition/view about life
Money is life
Where does Travis sleep?
living room couch
A Raisin in the Sun was the first play produced on Broadway by a _________ ___________.
Black/African American woman
Who is Beneatha?
Who is Walter's sister
Who is Asagai?
Beneatha's friend
Larraine died at age _________ form pancreatic cancer.
What does Walter argue is the problem with Afircan American women/wives?
They don't support their husbands, and they are small minded.
Beneatha claims that she is trying to express herself by recently teaching herself to do what?
play guitar
Beneatha's dream is to become a _______.
The playwright's familymoved to a _____________ neighborhood.
white neighborhood
The first thing Mama picks up when she walks into the room. Mama comapres this item to the spirit of her children.
What is a plant
True or False. Walter feels that Ruth was his biggest mistake.
Why does Mama oppose the liquor store investment?
It conflicts with her moral values
What does Mama want to do with the money?
Put some away for Beneatha's schooling and the rest as a down payment on a home.
What year does the Raisin in the Sun take place?
This is what Walter wants to do with the insurance money.
open a liquor business
When is Act 1 Scene 1 set
Friday Morning.
How much money did Travis need for school
What is 50 cents
What does Asagai comment to Beneatha to change
What is her hair
How much money did Ruth pay as down payment for the abortion?
What is the setting of Act 1, Scene 2?
It is Saturday morning, and they are cleaning house.
What did Asagai give Beneatha?
A Nigerian robe and some records.
These instructions tell the actors and stage workers (stagehands) how to enter a scene, how to act, and what the scene should look like on stage.
*We do not read them out loud when the play is actually performed.*
stage directions
This word means "a period of time when African Americans moved in large numbers from the rural South to the industrial North of Chicago.
The Great Migration
The reason why Ruth faints at the end of scene 1
she is pregnant
What is Beneatha looking for?
her identity
Who said this "It is dnagerous when a man goes outside to look for peace.
What is Mama's definition/view of life?
To Mama, life is freedom