Asagai - That's our guy
Cleaning House
Let's Get Visceral
Devil's in the Details
This is where Asagai has been studying during the summer. 

What is Canada?


This the day of the week that Act I, Scene 2 begins, opening with the family cleaning the apartment. 

What is Saturday?


According to the stage directions, this stage prop should be "inappropriately filling the house with a rather exotic saxophone blues."

What is a radio?


Travis uses this sound technique to describe the incident with the rat as "...then they got him in a corner and - BAM! BAM! BAM! and he was still jumping around and bleeding like everything too...."

What is onomatopoeia?

"That" is Walter means when he says, "You don't know Ruth, Mama, if you think she would do that."

What is "get an abortion"?


These are the TWO items which Asagai has brought to Beneatha as a gift.

What are "some records and the colorful robes of a Nigerian woman"?


This the chemical that Beneatha is spraying.

What is insecticide to kill the roaches?


In Act I, Scene 2, both Beneatha and Walter would need this handheld stage prop to show that they are communicating with someone not in the apartment itself.

What is a corded telephone/a landline?


This tone word could describes Travis's response to the rat incident, meant especially to contrast his mother's reaction and heighten the dramatic irony of the moment.

What is "excited"?


This is the person who says, "I gave her a five-dollar down payment."

Who is Ruth?


This is the physical feature that Asagai teasingly criticizes about Beneatha.

What is her hair? (He calls it "mutilated")


This is what Beneatha jokingly suggests would have to be done in order to get rid of the roaches.

What is "set fire to this building"?


Mama mistakes Nigeria for this country, the one she describes as "the little country that was founded by slaves way back."

What is Liberia?


Talking to Beneatha, Mama hints about this topic, saying, "Now I ain't saying what I think. But I ain't never been wrong 'bout a woman neither"

What is that Ruth is pregnant?


This person says, "Somebody get me my hat!"

Who is Mama (Lena Younger)?


The nickname Asagai gives Beneatha means:

A. The one who eats not enough bread
B. The one who eats too much bread
C. The one for whom bread is not enough
D. The one for whom bread is more than enough

C. The one for whom bread is not enough


This is what Beneatha says about Asagai to explain that he won't mind if the house is clean.

What is "He is an intellectual"?


Mama alludes this European military leader when she uses the simile to describe the roaches behind the bureau as "marching out of there like _____ yesterday."

Who is Napoleon?


This is Ruth's physical reaction to Travis's vivid, visceral description of the way the janitor killed the rat.

What is she clamps her hand over Travis's mouth and/or holds him to her and/or doesn't say anything in response to his description?

This person says "I say, 'Yes, sir; no, sir; very good, sir; shall I take the Drive, sir?'"

Who is Walter?


This is what Mama implies when she says, "I guess I see why we done commence to get so interested in Africa 'round here. Missionaries my aunt Jenny!"

What is Beneatha's attraction to Asagai's physical attractiveness? (Mama describes him "as a pretty thing that just went out here")


Travis does this to Beneatha, which makes her playfully try to squirt him with the spray gun.

What is pops/smacks her on the behind as she is cleaning under the sofa?


When Mama says she donates money to the church to save people from "heathenism," Beneatha says they more likely need salvation from these two European countries.

What are Great Britain (The British) and France (the French)?


This is a potential reason why the stage directions describe Ruth "has her fists clenched on her thighs and is fighting hard to suppress a scream that seems to be rising in her."

What is she is angry/horrified by their living conditions that seem beyond her control? OR What is she is trying to hold back morning sickness?


This person says, "So now it's life. Money is life. Once upon a time freedom used to be life- now it's money. I guess the world really do change."

Who is Mama (Lena Younger)?
