Who is this?
Vasco da Gama
What was Hernán Cortés?
A Spanish Conquistador
What was the Aztec capital city?
Circumnavigate means...
To completely travel around the world.
Who is this
Osama Bin Laden
What was the main goal of Portuguese exploration?
The Portuguese wanted to find a faster route to Asia to access spices, fabrics, and gold. They also wanted to control the spice trade.
What are the three G's?
Gold, Glory, and God
Who led the Spanish forces in conquering the Aztecs?
Hernán Cortés
A colony is...
Who was the terrorist group who executed the attacks on 9/11?
Al Qaeda
Where did Vasco de Gana and his crew arrive in 1498?
Off of the port Calicut
What were the Spanish explorers searching for?
Land and gold
What were the major consequences of the Aztec conquest?
Collapse of the Aztec empire, establishment of Spanish rule in Mexico, and devastating population decline due to disease
What is evangelization?
The act of converting people to Christianity.
Which tower was hit first?
The North Tower
How did the Portuguese use recent developments in technology to explore?
The Portuguese used developments in navigation, cartography, and maritime technology such as the caravel to explore.
What two places did Columbus reach in Central America?
The Caribbean islands and Honduras.
Why did the Aztecs initially welcome the Spanish?
Led by Hernán Cortés, they believed that he was the returning god Quetzalcoatl
Plantation is...
A large agricultural estate.
This team carried out the mission of Operation Neptune Spear. What specific team is this?
Seal Team 6
What did the Portuguese captains hear about that made them decide to start to travel south?
They heard reports of a route to India around the southern tip of Africa.
What are the three main reasons for the Spanish exploration?
The desire to expand its knowledge of the world, to discover spices and riches, and to expand Christianity.
How did the Spanish manage to defeat a much larger Aztec army?
Superior weapons, alliances with other indigenous groups, and the spread of smallpox
What is a joint-stock company?
A company owned by shareholders.
Who was assassinated on the second floor landing of Osama Bin Laden's compound?
Khalid Bin Laden (Osama Bin Laden's brother)