This is the meal eaten at the dawn before you start fasting
What is Suhoor?
It is 2nd pillar of Islam
In this country, the special Ramadan lanterns are an important tradition.
The Quran was revealed in this language.
It is famous fruit eat in Ramadan
Why do we fast in Ramadan?
To gain Taqwa and to get close to Allah
The special nightly prayer performed during Ramadan is called this.
What is Taraweeh?
Muslims in this country break their fast with dates, yogurt, and soup called harira
What is Morocco?
All the Quran revealed in where?
Makkah and Madina
Popluar soup served in Middle Eastern area during iftaar in Ramadan
Lentil soup
What we called fasting in Arabic
What is Sawm?
Giving a portion of one’s wealth to help those in need is called this.
What is Zakat?
The largest Muslim-majority country in the world, known for its Ramadan festivities, is this
What is Indonesia?
All the Six collection of hadith called
Sahi Sittah
A sweet drink made of yogurt and mint, commonly consumed during Ramadan in many Middle Eastern countries.
We Celebrate at the end of Ramadan
What is Eid ul Fitr?
This is the name of the charity given before the Eid al-Fitr prayer.
What is Zakat -al Fitr?
In Turkey, people enjoy this sweet treat during Ramadan.
The angel who brought the revelations of the Quran to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is named this.
Angel Jibril
What is the popular sweet they eat in Asia on the day of Eid?
Vermicilli/Sheer Khorma/ Sawaya
The first revelation of the Quran was given to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) during this month.
What is Ramadan?
Fasting teaches Muslims these values
What are patience, self-discipline, and empathy for the less fortunate?
In this country, Ramadan is marked by the sound of cannon fire at sunset to signal Iftar.
The Quran is divided into 30 equal parts, called this.
Prophet Mohammad SAW favorite food
Gourd/ pumpkin/