Revealed the Qu'ran to humanity and was the Final Prophet?
Who is Muhammad (pbuh)?
Third Holiest Site in Islam
What is Jerusalem / Al-Quds?
Last Day of Ramadan
What is Eid al-fitr?
This is a popular dish in South Asian countries, typically served during Iftar. It is a fried fritter which can carry different types of vegetables in it, usually potatoes, spinach, onions, or even meat.
What is Pakora?
Holiest City in Islam
What is Mecca?
First Surah of the Quran
Black Pudding
Breaking your Fast at Sunset
What is Iftar?
A reddish dye typically used by women to decorate their hands in illustrious patterns, or men to dye their beards or hair.
What is Henna?
Known as al-Saddiq
Who is Abu Bakr?
Allah has how many names
What is 99
Any animals with claws
Not Halal
First Thing eaten after sunset
What is Dates?
What are gifts given out during Eid-ul-Fitr called?
What is Eidi?
The Angel that told Muhammad to recite the verses of the Quran
Who is Gabriel?
Second Holiest Site in Islam
What is Medina?
Anything from the Sea
What is Sighting of the Crescent Moon?
How Long Does the Night of Power Last?
What are 10 nights?
Raised to Heaven without dying
Who is Issa (Jesus)?
The period of history where science, technology, fine arts, literature, and architecture dominated the Islamic World.
What is the Islamic Golden Age?
Time of day you eat before you start fasting
What is Suhoor / Sehri?
A popular cheese-based dessert in the Middle East, originating from the Palestinian city of Nablus.
What is Knafeh?