What is the Arabic word for fasting
How many days are in Ramadan?
29 or 30 days (depends)
In which Islamic month was the Quran revealed?
What is the Arabic work for charity?
What is the celebration at the end of Ramadan?
Eid al Fitr
What time of day do we start our fast?
Fajr (Day break)
Why do we fast?
- We are ordered by Allah SWT
- We feel how the less fortunate feel
- More!
What was the name of the angel who delivered the Quran to Prophet Muhammad SAW
Angel Jibreel
Why do we give charity?
Good deeds stc
What do Muslims say when greeting each other on Eid?
Eid Mubarak
What time of day do we end our fast?
Maghreb (sun down)
What qualities does fasting teach us?
Patience, self control, gratefulness, humility, MORE!
What is the night that is “better than 1,000 months”?
Laylatul Qadr
- Praying more
- Smiling
- Holding doors
- Being polite
- Much more!
Where do Muslims go for Eid prayer?
The Masjid or Musallah
Name two things that break your fast
Eating, drinking, lying to some degree
What happens to the gates of Jannah in Ramadan?
They are open
What is the special night prayer in Ramadan called?
How can small cats of kindness, like smiling or helping a neighbor be considered charity?
They spread goodness and strengthen community bonds
What is special about Eid clothes?
HINT: (Do we just wear any messy clothes)
They are the best/new clothes we own!
If someone eats forgetfully does that break their Fast?
No, Allah is the most forgiving
What happens to Shaytan and the gates of Jahannam in Ramadan.
Shaytan is locked up, gates of Jahannam are closed
Name the last Surah in the Quran. (HINT: It’s in Juz 30)
Surah Nas
Why does your intention (why) matter when doing a good deed?
“Actions are judged by intentions”
Does Eid mean we can go back to bad habits since Ramadan is over?
NOO! Try to maintain the good habits we gained in Ramadan as much as possible