Whats the meaning of Bismillah ?
In the name of Allah
Which Surah do we recite in every NAMAz
Surah Fatiha
What month is Ramadan in the Islamic calendar
Which Prophet (as) had control of the Jinn and was able to talk to animals?
How many gates of Jannah are there?
Surah Fatiha
This is performed instead of wudu when water is not available.
What is tayammum?
Why do the dates for Ramadan change every year?
Ramadan is a lunar month; it begins about eleven days earlier each year. Hence, Ramadan can occur during any of the seasons.
Name two Brothers who were Propehts
Prophet Musa (alayhi as-salaam) & Prophet Haroon
Which pillar was commanded in the journey of al Isra wal Miraaj?
What is the dua for entering the masjid?
للهم افتح لى ابواب رحمتك
Allaahum-maf-Tahlee Abwaaba Rahmatika
O Allaah, open the doors of Your Mercy for me
The number of body parts that should touch the ground during prostration (sajda).
What is 8?
Why do we fast
The purpose of fasting is for Muslims to put themselves in the place of the less fortunate and understand what they go through, hence resulting in them being compassionate about it.
Which Prophet (as) is mentioned the most in the Quran by name?
Prophet Musa
Which battle happened in Ramadan?
Battle of Badr
What is the dua for leaving the house?
بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ، تَوَكَّلْتُ عَلَى اللّٰهِ، وَلَا حَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِاللّٰهِ
Bismillaahi, tawakkaltu 'alallaahi, wa laa hawla wa laa quwwata illaa billaah
In the Name of Allah, I have placed my trust in Allah; there is no might and no power except by Allah
What three phrases do we repeat 33 times after every prayer?
Subhan Allah (Arabic: سبحان الله) means “Allah is free from imperfection”.
Al-hamdu lillah (Arabic: الحمد لله) means “All praise is due to Allah”.
Allahu Akbar (Arabic: الله أكبر ) means “Allah is Greatest”.
How many times do your good deeds get multiplied in Ramadan?
The Prophet who was tested by the illness all over his body and lose all of his children and prosperity?
Ayub (a.s.)
What was the name of the flying animal on which Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) travelled to the heavens?
Who is one of the 4 best women of Jannah?
Khadija, Asia, Fatimah, Maryam