Which Surah mentions the command to fast during Ramadan?
Surah Al-Baqara
Who was the person who named the prophet, Muhammad (SAW)
Abdul Muttalib, The Grandfather of the Prophet (SAW)
who was the prophet with the whales
prophet nuh (r)
Translate: أبي، لماذا تقول أن الزواج مضيعة للوقت؟
Daddy, Why do you say that marriage is a waste of time?
How Many times does the Quran mention about fasting?
Three times
What is the meaning of Ramadan in Arabic?
Scorching Hot/ Hot month/ Dryness
How Many soliders were in the Battle Of Badr?
Three Hundred Muslims
how old when musa left egyt
16 years old
Translate: أعتقد أحيانًا أن بعض الناس يتصرفون كالحمير
I sometimes think some people act like donkeys.
what was the first versess given to prophet muhamad (saw)
the first five versess of suruh al-iqra
what is the name of the feast that marks the end of ramadan
Which Clan was Prophet (SAW) from?
The Banu Hashim Tribe
How Many Prophets are there in Total?
There were many prophets but only twenty-five were mentioned.
Translate: الأم غاضبة من الأب لأنه أكل البرياني
Mama is mad at daddy for eating the Biryani
what is the meaning of Qur'an
what fruit do you eat to break the fast
What Sport did the prophet learn when he was visiting his father's grave?
which prophet could hear ants confersation
prophet sulliman
Translate: كم سنحصل من المال في عيد الفطر؟
How much money will you give during Eid-Ul-Fitr?
where was the qur'an revealed
in the cave of hira
what battle happen during ramadan
battle of badr
How many battles the Prophet (SAW) attended?
which prophet remained in jail for 10 years
prophet yusuf as
كانت المعارك صعبة :translate
the battles were hard
which prophet was mentioned in the quran mostly
prophet musa