What happens at the end of Ramadan?
Eid al-Fitr
Do young children need to fast?
From when to when do Muslims fast each day?
From sunrise to sunset
What dates is Ramadan this year?
Roughly from March 11th-April 11th
What is "suhur?"
The meal you eat before sunrise
Why do the dates of Ramadan change every year?
Ramadan is a lunar month; it begins about eleven days earlier each year.
Why do Muslims fast?
so that they may become pious - increase their iman- get closer to Allah
At what age are Muslims expected to begin fasting?
When you become mature - reach puberty
How many days is Ramadan?
Ramadan goes for 30 days.
What is "iftar?"
Breaking of fast - The meal you eat after sundown
What do Muslims do during Ramadan?
(Name at lease one thing)
Read Quran (the Holy Book), give zakat (charity), pray, and stay from distractions (addictions, bad language, etc.)
What can break a Muslim's fast?
(Name at least one thing)
Eating, drinking
What do Muslims say to wish someone a Happy Ramadan?
Ramadan Mubarak, Ramadan Kareem
What part of the month is most special?
The last ten days
What is "zakaat?"
a. Prayer
b. Charity or kindness
c. fasting
B- An offering, charity, or act of service and kindness towards others
How do Muslims know that Ramadan has started?
They see the first crescent moon of the lunar month
How many prayers do Muslims pray during Ramadan?
Muslims pray 5 prayers every day: sunrise, midday, afternoon, sunset, and evening. During the month of Ramadan, however, they add a prayer after their evening prayer, praying a minimum of 6 times
What is the recommended food to break your fast with?
How many times do your good deeds get multiplied in Ramadan?
c. 1000
a. 70
What is the Quaran?
The Islamic Holy book
What number month is Ramadan in the Islamic Calendar?
Ninth; this aligns with when the first lines of the Quran were revealed.
True or false: During Ramadan you can listen to music.
False - Many spiritual leaders beleive it makes focus harder
Who does not need to fast during Ramadan?
(Name at least one)
Children, anyone who is ill, pregnant women, people with diabetes, anyone traveling, people with their periods
What was the exact date Ramadan started this year?
Sunday, March 10, 2024
What is the name of the celebration at the end of Ramadan?