What is the pre-dawn before the fast starts called?
Who received the first revelation of the Quran during Ramadan?
Prophet Muhammad PBUH
What is the name of the night that is better than a thousand months?
Laylatul Qadr
What food did the Prophet (PBUH) prefer to break his fast with?
Dates and water
What is the most common food to break a fast with, following the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH)?
What is the arabic word for breaking the fast at sunset?
What cave was the Prophet (PBUH) in when he received the first revelation?
Cave of Hira
What special prayer is performed only during Ramadan?
What do Muslims say before starting their fast?
Wa bisawmi ghadinn nawaiytu min shahri ramadan وَبِصَوْمِ غَدٍ نَّوَيْتُ مِنْ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ
I intend to fast for the month of Ramadan
What is the scientific reason the Prophet (PBUH) recommended breaking the fast with dates?
They are high in natural sugars for quick energy, fiber for digestion, and potassium for hydration
How many days is Ramadan?
29 or 30 (depends on the moon sighting)
Which Prophet fasted for 40 days as a test from Allah?
Prophet Musa AS
What was the first surah revealed to the Prophet (PBUH)?
Surah Al-Alaq
What is the dua for breaking your fast?
Allahumma inni laka sumtu wa bika amantu wa alayka tawakkaltu wa ala rizqika aftartu
O Allah, I have fasted for You, believed in You, placed my trust in You, and broken my fast on your provision
What are some foods specifically mentioned in the Quran?
Dates, olives, grapes, figs, pomegranates, honey, milk, and fish
What is the penalty for breaking a fast on purpose with no valid reason?
Fasting for 60 days or feeding 60 people
Which Prophet is known for his patience during suffering? His story is often remembered during Ramadan.
Prophet Ayyub AS
In which Surah does Allah say, "Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you"?
Surah Baqarah
What is the recommended action after suhoor before Fajr prayer?
Pray tahajjud
Why is it Sunnah to eat in moderation during iftar instead of overeating?
The Prophet (PBUH) taught us that the stomach should be filled 1/3 with food, 1/3 with water, and 1/3 left for air to maintain good health
What is the special charity we give before EId-ul-Fitr?
What was the first battle fought by Muslims during Ramadan?
Battle of Badr
How many times is Ramadan mentioned in the Quran?
Once – in Surah Baqarah
Which companion of the Prophet (PBUH) used to recite the Quran the most during Ramadan?
Abdullah ibn Mas'ud RA or Uthman ibn Affan RA
What is the significance of honey in Islamic tradition?
It is considered a healing food and mentioned in the Qur'an (Surah Nahl)