What is the order of Ramadan in the Hijri (Islamic) Calendar?
The 9th Hijri month
The name of the evening meal after fasting that we eat at Almaghrib time is -------.
What does fasting mean?
To refrain from eating or drinking during the day from Alfajr ( dawn) to Almaghrib (sunset)
What was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in Ramadan?
The Qura'an
What is sighted to signal the start of Ramadan?
The new/crescent moon ( Hilal)
What is the Hijri month before Ramadan?
What is the name of the meal that we eat before fasting?
How many days are there in Ramadan?
29 to 30 days depending on the moon cycle
What is the reason for Ramadan mentioned in the Quran
to get Taqwa - God Consciousness
What should you fast from in addition to not eating or drinking?
Bad words/actions
What is the Hijri month after Ramadan?
The sunnah of breaking the fast is to eat ------ or to drink -------.
Dates ( tamr) , water
What is the name of the night prayer of Ramadan that we pray after Al-Isha'a?
Taraweeh prayer
In which surah of the Qura'an was the fasting of the month of Ramadan mentioned?
Surat Al-Baqarah, ayah 185
What does the breath of a fasting person smell like, according to the Hadith?
Smells sweeter to Allah than the smell of musk
Which battle (Ghazwa) happened in Ramadan 17th, 2nd year of Hijrah ?
Battle of Badr ( Ghazwat Badr)
True or False:
Chewing gum is allowed during the day of Ramadan since it is not food
Who gets locked up during Ramadan?
True or False:
Taraweeh prayer was mentioned in the Quraan
What is the name of the door in Paradise that opens only for those that fast?
Al-Rayyan Door/Gate
In which Hijri year was the fasting of Ramadan obligated on the Muslims?
The second (2nd ) Hijri year
What do you do if you accidentally eat/drink while fasting?
Continue your fast, it is a gift from Allah
Who is exempt from fasting during Ramadan? Mention 2 cases at least
1- Young children
2- Sick people
3- Travelers
4- Elder people whom their bodies couldn't stand fasting
How many times was Ramadan mentioned in the Qura'an?
Does Ramadan always happen in the same season?
No! Because Ramadan follows the lunar calendar, it moves 10-12 days earlier each year. This means Muslims can experience Ramadan in every season over time.