What is the meaning of the Shahada in English?
"There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad(SAW) is His Messenger."
Name the 4 Caliph
Abu Harayra(RA)
What is the Sirah?
The Sīrah is the biography of the Prophet Muhammad(SAW)
What month is Ramadan in the Islamic calendar?
The 9th month
What is the difference between Zakat and Sadaqah.
Zakat is obligatory and has a fixed percentage; Sadaqah is voluntary and has no fixed amount.
Who will get their book of deeds in the right hand on the Day of Judgment?
The believers.
Which sahaba was formally a slave and was freed by Abu Bakr(RA)
Bilāl ibn Rabāḥ
What happened in the year of sorrow (aam ul huzn)?
The Prophet’s صلى الله عليه وسلم protector (uncle Abu Talib) and comfort (wife Khadijah (R.A.)) passed away, after which the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم went to Taif to give dawah and seek protection, but was pelted with stones and humiliated, thus returning to Makkah
Which Surah in the Quran mentions Ramadan by name?
Surah Al Baqarah
On which Islamic month does Hajj take place?
Which Angel will blow the horn to signal the Day of Judgement?
Israfeel (as)
Who is the only Sahaba whose name is mentioned in the Quran?
Zayd ibn Haarith (RA)
Who took care of the Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم after his mother died?
His grandfather Abdul Muttalib
In which year of the Islamic calendar was fasting in Ramadan made obligatory?
2nd years of the Hijra
What is the equivalent of missing salat al Asr without good reason?
It is like you lost your ENTIRE family and all your property.
What is the Arabic word for the month-long fasting period during Ramadan?
Who narrated the second highest number of hadith's?
Abdullah Ibn Umar(RA)
That Prophet (SAW) was illiterate, what does that mean?
Someone who can't read or write.
What percentage of your wealth do you have to pay for Zakat?
What was Abu Hurayrah(RA) real name?
'Abd al-Raḥmān ibn Ṣakhr
This Sahaba was known as the beauty of Quraysh. He came from rich and noble family. When his mother found out about his conversion to Islam she locked him up in her house. He also was the flag bearer in the Battle of Uhud where he died as martyr.
Mus'ab Ibn Umayr
What was Fatimha's tite/nickname and it's meaning
az-Zahra meaning the resplendent one.
Resplendent- attractive and impressive through being richly colorful or sumptuous.
What do you have to do if you break your fast for no good reason?
1rst, you have to free a slave, if you can't you have to fast for 60 consecutive days(in a row),if you can't do that either you have to feed 60 people.