Is it okay to chew gum while fasting?
Which angel brought the Quran to the Prophet (s.a.w) during Ramadan?
Angel Jibril (a.s)
What is the name of the special prayer that is offered in congregation after Isha during the nights of Ramadan?
How many days does Ramadan last?
29-30 days
Which month of the Islamic calendar is Ramadan?
9th month
Which Surah mentions the obligation of fasting during Ramadan?
Surah Baqarah
Which Surah of the Quran was revealed during the month of Ramadan?
Surah Qadr
Which food is traditionally recommended to break the fast?
Dates (and water)
What is the name of the door in paradise that opens only for those that fast?
Which famous battle in Islamic history took place in the month of Ramadan?
Battle of Badr
In which city was Ramadan first observed?
Which Islamic month comes after Ramadan?
Laylatul Qadr is considered the most blessed night during Ramadan. What does Laylatul Qadr mean?
Night of Power (or Destiny)
Which Islamic month comes before Ramadan?
How many times is the word "Ramadan" mentioned in the Quran?
How many rak'ahs are typically prayed in the Taraweeh prayers during Ramadan?
Mostly 20, but some pray 8
What significant event took place in the last 10 days of Ramadan according to Islam?
The Quran was first revealed
What is the name of the special charity fund Muslims are encouraged to give during Ramadan, which helps to support those who cannot afford to fast or break their fast?
Which companion of the Prophet (s.a.w) was known for his deep knowledge of fasting and his role in explaining the significance of Ramadan?
Abu Hurairah (RA)
What is the Islamic ruling for Muslims who purposely break their fast during Ramadan without a valid reason?
You have to pay kaffarah- amount paid is the equivalent of feeding 60 people