What do we have to spot to know Ramadan has started?
The crescent moon
What would the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam usually break his fast with? (2 things)
Dates and water
True or False: The Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam ENCOURAGED us to have suhoor (pre-dawn meal)
TRUE! don't skip!
Not even water?!
If I am super pious and I want to fast on Eid, am I allowed to?
Who is excused from fasting?
a) a student who has a difficult exam
b) a very sick person
c) someone traveling from Plano to Frisco
d) someone that just passed puberty 2 weeks before Ramadan started
b) a very sick person
During Ramadan, ____ started to be revealed
The Quran!
During the month of Ramadan, what happens to Shaytaan and his minions?
They are chained and locked up!
Yes because I FORGOT I'm fasting!
What is the name of the meal that we eat at night to break out fast?
What Surah contains the verse that makes fasting mandatory?
Surah Al-Baqarah
What famous battle took place in Ramadan?
Battle of Badr
If I am fasting and someone is making me very upset, what are we taught to say to the person to indicate to them to go away so we don't so anything wrong?
"I am fasting!"
Other than water and food, what else do we HAVE to avoid?
Bad actions and words
What is Laylatul Qadr, and WHEN is it? (NEED BOTH ANSWERS)
It is during the last 10 nights of Ramadan
The reward during that night is equal to 1,000 months (over 83 years)
What Islamic month is Eid in?
If I perform Umrah during Ramadan, what is the reward equal to?
It's as if I performed Hajj!
The ayah of the Quran tells us the goal of fasting. What is it?
Hint: "O believers! Fasting is prescribed for you—as it was for those before you—so perhaps you will have/gain _____"
Taqwa: Mindfulness of Allah
The smell of a fasting person is nasty to us, but what does it smell like to Allah?
Like the smell of musk (a strong, sweet smell in perfumes)
What is the meaning of Laylatul Qadr?
The Night of POWER
Which Prophet (not Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) was KNOWN for fasting very often?
Dawud AS. He would fast every OTHER day!
There are 8 gates of Jannah. One of them is specifically for the people who fast. What is that Gate Called?
Baab Al-Rayyan
Recite EITHER the dua for starting the fast OR for breaking the fast
What happens if a muslim INTENTIONALLY breaks their fast?
They must offer a repayment (kaffara) by fasting by 60 consecutive days or feeding 60 poor people
At the end of Ramadan, we give Zakat-al-Fitr. It's around $10 a person and it is mandatory. What are TWO reasons we do this?
To help those in need and purify our fasts from any mistakes we may have made