What is the Arabic term for fasting?
What night is better than 1,000 months?
Laylatul Qadr
What is the pre-dawn meal called?
What is the name of the celebration at the end of Ramadan?
Eid Al-Fitr
What did the Prophet (PBUH) break his fast with?
Dates and water
What are the two main things that break a fast intentionally?
Which Surah was first revealed in Ramadan?
Surah Al-‘Alaq
What is the name of the meal that breaks the fast?
What is the special charity given before Eid?
Zakat Al-Fitr
What extra prayer did the Prophet (PBUH) encourage during Ramadan?
Who is exempt from fasting in Ramadan?
children, the sick, travelers, pregnant and nursing women, and menstruating women
How many times is Ramadan mentioned in the Qur’an? (double points for surahs and ayah numbers)
once, in Surah Al-Baqarah 2:185
What did the Prophet (PBUH) say about delaying Suhoor and hastening Iftar?
"My Ummah will remain on the right path as long as they hasten to break their fast and delay their Suhoor"
How many Rak’ahs are in Eid prayer?
What was the Prophet’s (PBUH) most common dua in the last 10 nights?
"Allahumma innaka ‘afuwwun tuhibbul ‘afwa fa’fu ‘anni"
How many days must someone fast if they intentionally break a fast without a valid reason?
What is 60 days or feeding 60 poor people? (Kaffarah)
What is the significance of Laylatul Qadr?
it is the night when the Qur’an was first revealed
What is the recommended dua before breaking the fast?
"Allahumma inni laka sumtu wa bika aamantu wa ‘alayka tawakkaltu wa ‘ala rizq-ika-aftartu"
What is the Sunnah greeting on Eid?
"Taqabbalallahu minna wa minkum"
How did the Prophet (PBUH) spend the last 10 nights of Ramadan?
I'tikaf (worshipping in the masjid)
What is the ruling on swallowing saliva while fasting?
Does not break the fast
What does Allah promise for those who fast sincerely for Him?
forgiveness and immense reward
What is the ruling on eating if one is unsure if Maghrib has begun?
wait until certainty or it could invalidate the fast
What is the ruling on fasting on Eid?
it is prohibited
Which battle took place during Ramadan in the second year of Hijrah?
Battle of Badr