Which Ramah Camp was the first?
Ramah Wisconsin
Who was the Executive Director of Camp Ramah before Miryam?
Rabbi Rabbi Joel Seltzer
The Basic Die that we use to determine outcomes in D&D
A D20
What are the three questions we asked on every text?
What does it say? What does it mean? What does it mean to me?
Which international body voted in favor of establishing a Jewish state?
The United Nations
The word for Joy in Hebrew
Simcha שמחה
According to AJH, what comes after knowledge?
Humanity is described as being created in this
What is God's image?
Which is only Ramah camp that is both an overnight camp for the tzevet and a day camp for the chanichim?
Ramah Nyack
What is the name of the Agam on a map?
The name of the Rabbi who never showed up to class
Rabbi Akiva
What are the two kinds of water bodies that can function as mikve?
A cistern and a spring
What is the secret monotheistic religion that has a community in Israel, Lebanon, and Syria?
The word for Fear in Hebrew
Pachad פחד
In the eyes of AJH, what should prayer be about?
Joy, singing, or praise of God
Jacob had this many children
What is 13?
Which Ramah camp was the the third to be built, but is the second oldest continuously operating Ramah.
Ramah Poconos
What year was the Ulam Sport Built?
The name of the teacher who abandoned Judaism at the end of the story (Bonus: What was his nickname?)
Who has the most famous story of waking up with awe?
Jacob's Dream
Who wrote a letter to the Zionist organization viewing with favor the establishment of a Jewish home in Palestine?
Lord Arthur James Balfour
The word for Anger in Hebrew
Ka'as כעס
According to AJH, what is at the root of all knowledge?
This character in Genesis was taken hostage and released by his uncle.
Who is Lot?
What the Ramah in the Rockies specialty program is called?
Ramah Outdoor Adventure
The name of the teacher who died in the story
Ben Azzai
What are the two inclinations we have to balance? in Hebrew
Yetzer tov and yetzer raa
How are Shoafim and Bibi Netanyahu connected?
The original Shoafim was called Kvutzat Yonatan, named after Yoni Netanyahu, Bibi's late brother
The word for Sadness in Hebrew
Etzev עצב
What would AJH say about the Grand Canyon?
The Grand Canyon itself is NOT Radically Amazing. The fact that we can SEE the Grand Canyon IS Radically Amazing.
This Hebrew word, used in the second creation story, means both rib and also side.
What is צלע?
The National Ramah office is located in...
(Bonus -- what is the name of the institution that houses the NRC)
What is New York City?
(Bonus-- The Jewish Theological Seminary)
Name two previous camp directors.
Cheryl Magen, Rabbi Todd Zeff, Rabbi Eli Havivi, Rabbi Archie Ruberg, Rabbi David Mogilner
The name of the teacher who died in the story
Ben Zoma
Translate: hineh ma tov uma naim
How good it is to sit togther in unity
This mitzvah in Hebrew is considered the greatest mitzvah:
פדיון שבויים / Pidyon Shvuyim/ Redeeming Captives
What is the title of Inside Out in Hebrew?
HaKol BaRosh הקול בראש
In which institution did AJH first teach after moving to America?
Hebrew Union College
Hashem wanted to destroy the earth because it was filled with this Hebrew word.
What is חמס?