Randi made this psychology teacher cry.
Who is Gloria Smith?
What was Randi's salary at Occupations, Inc.?
A frequent Red Apple visitor, this local lawman was compared by some to Barney Fife.
Who is Alan Seese?
Originally a work acquaintance of Bob's, she eventually became -- and still remains -- one of Randi's closest friends.
Who is Barkley?
Hundreds of M-W high schoolers gathered briefly at this indoor landmark on National Student Strike Day in May of 1971.
What is the terrarium?
Bob and Randi both worked in this location -- although not at the same time, nor for the same employer.
What is Pine Tree Elementary School?
According to legend, nobody knew where this item was to be found -- not that it mattered much at the 24/7 establishment.
What is the front door key?
She once opined -- accurately or not -- that Bob resembled "a young Robert Redford."
Who is Aunt Marian?
In elementary school, Randi refused to participate in this bizarre birthday ritual.
What is paddling?
When she wasn't swimming the width of Greenwood Lake, this legendary local was known to make racist comments at the establishment at which Randi tended bar one summer.
Who is Doris Greck?
This counter man often spoke to the pies.
Who is Albert Ramirez?
This camp friend of Randi's witnessed comedian Richard Belzer ridiculing Bob's suspenders.
Who is Meryl Steinberg?
In the early 1970s, it cost students just 50 cents to purchase a package of three chocolate chip cookies sold under this brand.
What is Linden?
At a Christmas party, Bob once inadvertently crushed a Lego piece at the home of this narcissistic boss of Randi's.
Who is Carol Grant?
The word "HOOKS" was tattooed on this counter man's forearm -- a reference to his large hands, which were said to resemble meathooks.
Who is Slim?
This "fantastic" uncle once lived at Wildcat on Route 17.
Who is Harold Goodman?
This teacher once wrote a hall pass for Randi on her copy of the Beatles' "White Album."
Joe Murray
This amusement, found at a bar frequented by Occupations, Inc. employees, was a hybrid pinball machine and video game.
What is Caveman?
A scene from this movie sequel was filmed at the Red Apple's outdoor stand.
What is "Oliver's Story"?
Their friendship, which began when both were 10 years old, eventually blossomed into romance -- and their love is still going strong to this day!
Who are Randi and Bob?