How many provinces are in Canada?
How do you say, " How are you? I am good. " in German
Wir gehts? Sir gehts gut.
What Quadrant would 5,3 be in?
Quadrant 1
you pick a number between 1-10. If you want, if you choose to complete all the dog one's and dont react you will get 1,000 points. But if you do react, you lose all the points you gained from this round.
How do you play E on a bass? Hint- Not open string
1 finger on D
What is the name of the province I am researching right now?
Nova Scotia
How do you say," My Mother, and my Dad, and my brother, and my sister
Meine, moder, und mein vater, und mein broder, und meine Schwester
What number means cubed?
Yoda memes
you pick a number between 1-10. If you want, if you choose to complete all the Yoda one's and dont react you will get 1,000 points. But if you do react, you lose all the points you gained from this round.
How do you play A on a bass? Hint- not open string
1 finger on G
What does geography mean?
Geography is the study of Earths Physical, and Cultural Features.
How do you say," welcome," in German?
What number means squared?
How do you play G on a bass? Hint- not open string
1 finger on E
What is the estimated population of Canada. Hint- its population is bigger than Oceana 's
38 million
How do you say German, in German?
What Quadrant would -9, -90 be in?
Quadrant 3
How do you play B on a bass? Hint- not open string
1 finger on A
What Languages do they speak in Canada?
English, and French
How do you say, you are a woman in German?
Tu Bist eine frau
Why does math need therapy?
Why do we need to learn math?
Because it will never grow up, and solve its own problems
How do you play D# on a bass?
4 fingers in third position on the G string