symbols that are smashed together
what are crash symbols
the meme of a famous fairy tail character using a musical instrument
what is a shrekophone
you are a wizard
what is an old reference
what is the worst food place ever
(and you cant change my mind)
what is wendy's
the worst subject
what is math
according to a recent survey what is the most popular musician of 2023
who is mrs.moore
a very unpopular meme but some people who live under a rock still think its funny
what is
a very big debate even though the answer is very clear
what is gif (g-if)
an incredibly popular food item
what is pizza
what is the most usless subject in all of school
what is school
a note of 2 fast beats
what is an eighth note
there is an imposter among us
what is not funny
what is a bully
someone who has absolutely no for bullying you and thinks they are funny even though they aren't funny, no one thinks they're funny, the only friends they have are people who are just as dumb as them
a fast food establishment that has been open since 1954
what is burger king
the most popular school subject of 2023
health science
the most recognizable song of the 20th century
baby shark
more espresso
what is less depresso
what is a bad question
the most horrible food to ever exist
what is lasagna
what is the most fun place to be in a school
the entrance
this type of music is often comprised of fast lyrics and in no way does listening to it make you cool
what is rap
a meme made by accident, a picture of a man with a questionable expression making it seem as if he was dead on the inside
what is hide the pain harold
the word swag forwards then backwards halfway through the word
what is SWAWS
a restaurant the had recently changed its name for an nonexistent reason
what is:
tasty freez
tasty eats n' treats
tasty eats
the subject where a student learns about physical education