what grade will annie be in next year
8th grade or last year of middle school
what grade will maxy poo be in next year
5th grade or first year of middle school
finish the lyric
"let it go! let it go!"
" cant hold it back anymore!!!!"
how many sisters does hankie have
are u cray cray
no im nay nay
what is annies favorite season?
what grade will you be in when i am a senior (12 grade)
freshman or 9th grade
" Watch me...
" whip whip nae nae"
did hankie like his cone?
how many pennies are in a 100 dollars
100,000 pennies
what sport will annie be playing when school starts in september?
what was the score of your baseball game yesterday?
finish the lyric
"nah i say let it die...
" let it die let it die let it shrivel up and die"
when did hankie get clipped ?
over spring break
what grade will lexi be in when i am a senior (12 grade)
5th grade
what am i excited for this summer
going to kansas city and seeing tempa and frankie
was sadie at ur game yesterday
nope on a rope
finish the lyric
" hakuna matata what a ______ phrase!
does hankie like bob
was lexi at your baseball game yesterday?
whats my fav show
dance moms
what was the show you used to watch all the time when you were a kid?
dino dan
finish the lyric
'do you get....
deja vu
is hankie crazy
how long does it take to get to kansas city
9hrs and 43 mins