( The Little Mermaid ) Part of...
Your world.
What can run but can't walk?
Water, River, Ocean, Pond.
What is the name of our teacher?
What is the name of the kingdom where Anna & Elsa live?
( Frozen 1 ) Let It Go...
Let It Go..
I have no life but I can die. What am I?
A battery
What is the game mode we played the most in Kahoot?
Sumbarine Mode
What character in "Frozen" likes warm hugs?
We don't talk about Bruno..
What begins with an "e" and has only 1 letter?
an envelope.
When did we start school? (Hint somewhere in August).
August 21st.
What is the name of Mickey's girlfriend?
Minnie Mouse
( Moana ) What can I say except...
Your Welcome!
What gets wetter the more it dries?
A towel
What game mode of Blooket did we play the most?
Who was the first Disney princess?
Snow White
( Moana) I've been staring at the edge..
Of the water..
What room has no doors, rooms, or windows, or furniture, (basically nothing in it)
What do cows drink?
When does Cinderella need to leave the ball?
12:00 AM/ Midnight