SWKEY History
Childrens Handbook

What does AED stand for?

Automated External Defibrillator


Does leaving a child alone for a few minutes constitute Child Neglect?

Intentionally or unintentionally leaving a child unsupervised for a brief period of time may not necessarily constitute Child Neglect, depending on the circumstances. For example, if there is a staff shift change or a circumstance in which a staff member might need to respond to an urgent child safety issue resulting in a child being unsupervised for a few minutes, that may not rise to the level of Child Neglect. On the other hand, if a child that is on a one-on-one supervision plan is left without supervision for any period of time, that would violate the requirements of the child’s one-on-one supervision and therefore constitute Child Neglect. Or if a child is left unsupervised in a dangerous environment—such as in a kitchen near a hot stove or around knives—even for a brief period of time, that could constitute Child Neglect. Moreover, if a child is left unsupervised for an extended period of time, that may also be considered Child Neglect. Additional factors to consider may also include the child’s age or developmental ability


What is an PLE? 

Program Level Event. 


What year was southwest key founded?

In 1987.


How many rights are explained to the children in the handbook?

1. Fairness without discrimination 2. Individual expression 3. Safety 4. Confidentiality 5. Respect 6. Understanding 7. Access to legal counsel 8. Participation in your own services


What does BMS stand for?

Behavioral Management System 


 Is a child opening the restroom door when another child is inside the restroom considered inappropriate sexual behavior?

 A child accidentally opening the restroom door when another child is inside the restroom does not necessarily need to be reported as Inappropriate Sexual Behavior; however, if it becomes a pattern or seems that the intent is to view others while undressed, this may need to be reported as Sexual Harassment (note that the crux of sexual harassment is that the behavior is repeated)


How long do we have to document an Historical Disclosure?

The program has 24 hours to complete the documentation. 


Who was the founder of Southwest key?

Juan Sanchez 


What are vocational classes?

Vocational courses are valuable to hands-on experience. Students attend vocational courses and are introduced to the theory of hands-on practices in a vocational trade.


What does CLE stand for?

Child Level Event.


Is a child making an inappropriate comment/drawing considered inappropriate sexual behavior?

No, Generally, inappropriate comments alone will not constitute Inappropriate Sexual Behavior, but it will depend on the context and severity of the comment (i.e., threat of rape would not be considered age or developmentally appropriate behavior, whereas a child simply saying an obscene word or phrase they may have recently learned is normal adolescent behavior). Child drawing genitalia in the middle of class would also not be reported as Inappropriate Sexual Behavior


Who approves outing locations?

PD/APD will oversee the site assessment process and give final approval for new and existing locations.


What are the swkey values?

 Responsiveness, Innovation, Diversity, Excellence, Familia and Fun


Can a youth receive a phone call if he is experiencing a mental crisis? 

exceptional Circumstances - If a youth is experiencing a family emergency, such as grieving the loss of a loved one, or experiencing a mental health crisis, programs will adjust the call time to provide the necessary support


What does IR stand for?

Incident Report. 


Who will be able to generate Behavioral Notes (i.e., case manager, clinician, school staff, etc.) in UC Portal?

Anyone who can create a CLE for a child can create a Behavioral Note.


When should we ask for a witness when conducting a room checks? 

For best practice every time a staff must enter a room. or When Visual confirmation from the doorway cannot be made.


What does JJAEP stand for?

 Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program -Is a school for students who have not succeeded in traditional school environments.


 Are youth explained the laundry process in the handbook? 

Yes, Laundry • It will be your responsibility to gather all your dirty clothes on your designated wash day. • You will be given a schedule to remind you of your laundry day. • Bed sheets are washed once a week or as needed. 


What does ORR stand for?

Office of Refugee Resettlement. 


If a child has a complaint about how a staff member has behaved toward them, does that constitute a Behavioral Note?

No, Behavioral Notes are only for behavioral observations concerning children. If a child needs to report a concern about how a staff member has behaved toward them, then that must be reported as a Non-Emergency SIR, under the appropriate category, such as Abuse/Neglect by Adult, Inappropriate Sexual Behavior, etc


What does COO stand for?

Country of Origin. 


When did SWKEY opened the 1st JJAEP?

In 1996.


Are youth explained how to file a PSA Grievance in the handbook?

 Yes, goes step by to step and it provides phone numbers. 
