Who is the main character
Nathan Drake
who is the Jedi master of the prequel trilogy
Who are the leaders of the avengers
iron man and captain america
What are they looking for?
The tusk of ganesh
When was the first heist season
chapter 2 season 2
How many years since his last adventure
3 years
True or false Anakin betrayed the Jedi
The 4th avengers movie name
Who helps chole
Nadine ross
The second marvel season name
absolute DOOM
Who is the main character's brother's name
Who is the actor of Luke skywalker
Mark hamil
Who said this quote "I am inevitable."
Why did Nathan not show up
he retired
Nash's favorite skin's
Nolan chance,spider-man,and Kado throne
Who didn't show up in this game.
chole frazer
Who has survived the longest in star wars
Emperor Palapatine
True or false: Loki survived
Did Sam drake show up in this game
What is the most trash season of all time.
Who is the final boss of uncharted 4
Rafe Aldar
The greatest sith of all time
kylo ren
Who is the avengers most powerful enemy?
Who is the final boss
What is then name of the first marvel season
Nexus war