Visible part of the nail
Nail plate
What is formed when 2 or more non-I’m able substances are united with the help of a binder or gum-like substance
First step in decontamination process is called
Decontamination procedure that kills spores
Green tint covers what
Redness in the face
When performing a permanent wave is the piggy-back technique useful
Long hair
Tube like pocket that contains the hair
Thinning the hair using a sliding movement with blades of the shears to partially opened to reduce volume and create movement is called
Where are the subcutaneous and sederiforous gland found
Sugar base wax is a form of
How many cells are produced during mitosis and what are they called
2, daughter cells
Mobility of a pin curl is determined by the
Widest area of the head is
Parietal ridge
Must have disinfectants in a salon
Bactericidal, fungicidal and virucidal
Repair damaged nail by
Nail wrap
A chemical compound used to low the growth of bacteria
Layer of the hai that provides strength and elasticity is
Scalp inflammation marked by fatty types of dandruff
Perms that she sulfates, sulfides and bisulfites as an alternative to ammonium thioglycolate
Low PH waves
What is the peak of a finger wave
Most effective level of infection control
Colors that absorb light appear darker than their actual level
Cool colors
If instructions say shake well before using the product is probably an example of
Scalp disease characterized by circular red scalps, patches or lesions