This small, red summer fruit develops tiny seeds on the outside and often tops shortcake.
What is a Strawberry?
This is the largest state in America.
What is Alaska?
Hanks, Edison, and Jefferson
What is Thomas or Tom
He bombed as a stand-up comic in front of a live audience before his wild success as the star of the eponymous TV sitcom about nothing.
Who is Jerry Seinfeld?
What is the Bible?
This melodious flyer is the world’s smallest bird.
What is hummingbird? (The Bee Humming Bird is 2 inches long)
This is the most lost large desert.
What is the Antarctic polar desert?
A-list actresses Audrey and Katharine
What is Hepburn?
Before he built his theme park empire, this household name was fired from his newspaper job for lack of creativity.
Who is Walt Disney?
He made the character Tiny Tim.
Who is Charles Dickens?
This state is the smallest U.S. state.
What is Rhode Island?
These trees grow over 250 feet and have lived for over 3000 years
What is Giant Sequoias?
Actors De Niro, Wagner, and Duvall.
What is Robert?
He failed his music classes and was told, “You ain’t goin’ nowhere, son. You ought to go back to driving a truck,” after his first paying performance.
Who is Elvis Presley?
Noah Webster published this genre of book.
What is the dictionary or reference?
This is the smallest snake in the world.
What is Barbados threadsnake?
Its stretches nearly 50 miles through Denver and is considered the most long street in America.
What is Colfax Avenue in Denver, Colorado?
Actress MacLaine and actress Temple
What is Shirley?
“Can’t sing. Can’t act. Balding. Can dance a little.” was the note from an RKO executive after this Silk Stockings star’s first screen test.
Who is Fred Astaire?
This “Queen of Mystery” holds the top spot as the world’s best-selling fiction author (and my favorite to)
Who is Agatha Christie?
A small coffee or espresso is served in this type of cup.
What is Demitasse?
Second largest building in America
What is Central Park Tower?
Child, Roberts, and Louis-Dreyfus.
Who is Julia?
You’ve seen him on Shark Tank but fame and fortune did not come easily. After repeatedly failing as an employee, he started his own company and catapulted himself to the top from there.
Who is Mark Cuban?
He authored this go-to book for new mothers in the 1960s.
Who is Dr. Benjamin Spock?