The hottest season.
What is Summer?
In One Hundred and One Dalmatians how do Pongo and Perdita find their children?
What is The Twilight Bark?
The headmaster of Hogwarts (before he died).
Who was Dumbledore?
Name two blue birds.
What are:
Any answer is acceptable
The season known for color changing leaves and pumpkin spice lattes.
What is Autumn/Fall?
What is the deadline for the Beast to find love?
When is before all the rose petals fall?
What class seemed to be cursed because of its annual rotation of teachers?
What was the defense against the dark arts?
Name three flightless birds.
What are:
These seasons are nicknamed hurricane seasons.
What are Summer and Fall?
What is the first monster Hercules faces?
Who was Nessus the Centaur?
Who opened the Chamber of Secrets?
Who was Hagrid?
What bird can only eat with its head upside down?
What are flamingos?
The season is associated with new beginnings.
What is Spring?
Which character from the Sword in the Stone is Merlin's rival?
Who is Madam Mim?
Name the Deathly Hallows.
What were the Elder Wand, Resurection Stone, and The invisibility cloak?
Name the UK’s most popular wild bird
What are robins?