What are your talents
Name a candy that starts with M
what makes a good friend
your answer
What color is Pikachu?
Say something that you are grateful l for.
your answer
Name two of your strengths
your answer
you feel like this when you find out you and your family are going on vacation
happy, excited
What do you catch pokemon in?
Which animal lives almost entirely on a bamboo
A giant panda spends 12 to 14 hours a day eating.
Name of Roblox's money...
Name three people that support you
your answer
name the 5 feelings in movie inside out
joy, mad, sad, disgust, worry
What is bulling?
your answer
Riddle: What has many keys but can’t open any doors?
A piano.
True or False
Cows and Horses sleep standing up.
Tell me two types of candy that has nuts in it
true or false Anger is a bad emotions
Over 800
How tall in Pikachu?
2 foot 2 inches
5 feet 1 inches
1 foot 4 inches
3 feet 7 inches
Pikachu has an average height of 1’4” (40.6 cm) and weight of 13.2 lb (6 kg).
Riddle! What 2 things can you never eat for breakfast?
Lunch and dinner
What candy is named from solar system
Mars and Milky Way
What can you do when starting to feel upset, stressed or mad in classroom?
Name 5 characters in minecraft
bonus name 3 more for 300
what is the fastest animal?