His number 23 was retired by both the Bulls and the Heat.
Michael Jordan
you can learn about The Monroe Doctrine in this class.
John's favorite number
He is trained by Rocky Balboa
Adonis Creed
Two sports played on a diamond
Baseball, softball, kickball
He is a former WWE wrestler and now stars in action adventure films.
The Rock
you can watch On The Waterfront in this class.
My least favorite number
13 or 6
He is a boy wizard with a scar on his forehead.
Harry Potter
This sport has a dunk contest
He threw four interceptions during gym class this past week.
you do math stuff in this class.
whats a math teachers favorite number
He makes people offers they can't refuse.
The Godfather (Vito Corleone)
Two sports that have shootouts when there is a tie game
Hockey and soccer (futbol)
He is a member of the Funky Bunch
you can watch the magic schoolbus.
my favorite number
7 or 3
Movie about a trendsetting rap group out of California
Straight Outta Compton
These two sports have grand slams
Baseball, softball
I will accept tennis and golf.
He's nasty at basketball, teaches English and History, and does an awesome robot.
you can throw four interceptions in this class.
Gym (or Phys. Ed.)
Tom Brady's favorite number
Horror movie set at Camp Crystal Lake
Friday the 13th
All time home run king in baseball
Barry Bonds