The Concert Chronicles
Strange Seas
The Roaring 1600s
Spectacular Spectacles
Rocky Peaks and Puzzles

This 1994 concert featured artists like Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and Red Hot Chili Peppers, marking a significant moment in rock history.  

What is Lollapalooza?


This adorable marine creature, often called a "sea puppy," is known for its whiskers and playful demeanor, typically found in cold Arctic waters.

What is a sea otter?


He was the English playwright who wrote "Hamlet" and "Othello," becoming one of the most celebrated writers of the 1600s.  

Who is William Shakespeare?


This common type of glass is used in eyeglasses to correct nearsightedness and farsightedness.

What is prescription glass?


This animal, known for its large curved horns, is a common sight in the Rocky Mountain region and is well adapted to steep terrains.

What is the bighorn sheep?


This landmark 1985 double concert taking place in Philadelphia and London aimed to combat famine in Africa, and featured a multitude of global superstars.  

What is the "Live Aid" event?


This unusual animal can change its shape while swimming and has a unique defense mechanism of expelling water to jet away from predators.  

What is a squid?


This colony was established in 1607 and is often considered the first permanent English settlement in North America.  

What is Jamestown?


This material, known for its lightweight and shatter-resistant properties, is commonly used in eyeglasses and is a type of plastic.

What is polycarbonate?


This 19th-century event drew thousands to the Rockies, significantly impacting the region's economy and settlement patterns, particularly in Colorado.

What is the Gold Rush?


This 1974 concert featured a lineup including Elton John and Stevie Wonder, and is often remembered for its extravagant stage production and performances.  

What is the "California Jam"?


 This type of shark, which can be found in tropical waters, is famous for its distinctive shaped head, which enhances its vision and hunting abilities.  

What is a hammerhead shark?


This Civil War began in 1642 and was fought between the Royalists and Parliamentarians.  

What is the English Civil War?


This phenomenon occurs when light is bent as it passes through a lens, enabling the glasses to focus images correctly.

What is refraction?


This geographical feature runs along the crest of the Rocky Mountains, determining the flow of rivers to the Pacific or Atlantic Oceans.

 What is the Continental Divide?


This iconic 1970 event in New York featured performances by Jimi Hendrix, The Who, and Janis Joplin, capturing the spirit of the era.  

What is the Isle of Wight Festival?


This unique marine creature has the ability to regenerate lost body parts and is often referred to as the "immortal" animal due to its remarkable regenerative capabilities.  

What is a jellyfish (specifically, Turritopsis dohrnii)?


This scientist published "Principia Mathematica" in 1687, laying the foundations for classical mechanics.  

Who is Isaac Newton?


This optical property describes the ability of a lens to change the path of light rays, important for vision correction.

What is optical power?


These two Indigenous tribes have historically inhabited the mountainous regions of Colorado and Utah, utilizing the land for hunting and gathering.

Who are the Ute and Shoshone tribes?


This 2010 concert in Washington, D.C., aimed to support relief efforts for a Caribbean nation devastated by an earthquake, with performances by various artists.  

What is "Hope for Haiti Now"?


This enigmatic deep-sea creature has a gelatinous body and is known for its ability to produce light, often featuring a bioluminescent lure to attract prey in the dark depths.  

What is an anglerfish?


In 1609, he improved the telescope and made significant astronomical discoveries, including the moons of Jupiter.  

Who is Galileo Galilei?


This term refers to the measurement of how much light is absorbed by a lens material, important for determining lens quality.

What is lens transmittance?


This significant geological event, occurring approximately 70 to 40 million years ago, was responsible for the uplift of the Rocky Mountains.

What is the Laramide Orogeny?
